
Well, to be fair, Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz were awful as a candidate and the head of the DNC.

I have no doubt that the TBI is why he didn’t drop the gun, it sounds from all the evidence like that’s the case. And the cop maybe should have listened to the wife. However, the cop NOT listening to the wife and believing her immediately, when there’s a gun in play and there’s an immediate perceived danger, doesn’t

Hey look everyone, another factually incorrect Anna Merlan story trying to push an agenda! Shocking!

I have to commend you for trying, but maybe you didn’t get the memo. We’ve moved past facts and into feelings territory. The purpose of this blog post is to make readers feel like their indignation is righteous. Be amazed as Anna Merlan magically transforms the blunt Keith Lamont Scott was smoking in his car into a

Open carry does not mean open brandishing. This is an easy mistake to make by people not familiar with gun laws. If you are carrying a firearm, you are not allowed to point it at anyone or use it in a menacing manner. You are also supposed to obey police officers, and any responsible gun owner will immediately tell an

It doesn’t matter if it’s open carry or not, you have to drop a gun if a cop says to drop it. Open carry doesn’t mean you can point a gun at anyone or hold it when ordered to put it down.

In this case, they found a gun. The wife said there wasn’t one, but she was wrong. She also had known he had a gun because she had filed a domestic violence report against him before the incident and said he had one. Having TBI doesn’t mean you are excused from obeying a “drop the gun” order.

The Federation is huge by the TNG era, but I always got the implication that in the TOS era the Federation was just a handful of worlds. There were always tons of different aliens out there, but most hadn’t yet joined the club.

Well, the reality is no one is willing to actually utter the implication of what Schiff says above, or the logical conclusion of what you are saying, which is that “Lone Wolf” attackers can’t be reasonably sorted out from other immigrants and/or refugees.

What “they”? You mean WE don’t care about us. Women continue to work with Deen, not just the new unknowns either. How serious does the industry have to be when female performers and fans refuse to shun him?

And this is why I carry. Yes I know it’s on a College Campus, which usually prohibits concealed carry firearms, but nonetheless having your firearm close and being trained with it could at least aid in the protection of yourself and others. Also, not saying the answer to gun violence is in fact more gun violence. But

Yeesh, I was just being tongue-in-cheek, what with our capture it on cell phone, stream it culture. I don’t think your response was necessary.

But if possible Cstrife16, go get some awesome cellphone video. Shocked commentary welcome, vertical video no so much.

The five stages of coping with spree killings:

Maybe we should make shooting people illegal. Or make schools gun free zones. Then this will never happen again.

It’s the gun’s fault.

Star Trek has continually pushed the limit of racial acceptance on TV, it’s a little much to call it racist. Besides if they were really so America obsessed they wouldn’t have picked a ship name that was original French over something like the Freedom or the original Yorktown.

Dude, even at the time the plane crash in Air Force One sucked. It was exceptionally unconvincing.

Special effects people in the ‘90s were just so dazzled by the promised potential of CGI that nobody bothered to take a step back and question whether they were going a bit too far beyond the limits of the technology. That stuff looked crappy when it was new, so no surprise it’s held up poorly.

I think we have a new candidate for the worst edited/constructed youtube video in history