
Of course it’s a viewership thing. Nerd blog articles and comments don’t equal ratings, as we have seen countless times.

A showing is in a theater? Because that would imply Warner Brothers censored the movie. Or do you mean on cable? I get really worried sometimes about Studios censoring old movies.

That goes against everything I believe in pretty much, but of course you’re welcome to your own opinions.

Even if I did agree with all that, which I’m not saying I do, a lot of times building a better Society is about overcoming human baser instincts.

I’m not saying it’s discriminatory, but I do hate segregation and all its forms. It saddens me that the left seems to be embracing it more and more. Division is not the answer.

I agree the alien races were often used to depict other cultures with the Federation being very Western. Whether that’s racist or not is subjective I guess, but I do separate race from culture unlike a lot of liberals. Also Trek definitely portrayed a future that was “beyond race,” as in it pretty much didn’t matter

Schwarzenegger’s​ social liberalism and fiscal moderate conservatism are perfect for America and the presidency, but you won’t see many Jezebel posters saying that.

That’s a big problem in modern TV for me too. Not only does no one ever die or really leave, but even the plots and such are recycled endlessly.

Caring about continuity that much is a recent development from Marvel Studios and I firmly believe 90% of the audience doesn’t care much.

That is total nonsense I see repeated so often it’s crazy. PG movies in the 80s had more blood than today’s PG-13, let alone R. People seem confused because of all the action in today’s PG-13, but it’s bloodless and comic booky. Movies in the 80s had blood, squibs, f-words everywhere and tits galore. There’s no

We might not have the same definition of cheap thrills. Or maybe more accurately I love cheap thrills in a good movie. They don’t carry a film, but it’s always great when the characters talk like real humans, bang like real humans and bleed like real humans.

I like grindhouse flicks. I thought that Punisher was awesome once you adjusted to the over the top on purpose villains.

Not saying this in attack mode at all but what is it with people being down on R ratings lately on here? R ratings always mean more freedom for action movies. Maybe it’s because I’m an 80s kid...

The definition of good varies from person to person. I like Man of Steel and Batman versus Superman quite a lot. If the entire franchise changes to be more like Marvel I’ll like it less. So it’s not a good thing for everybody.

The polling was shit, even Nate Silver will tell you that. And yes most elections are about capturing moderates and Independents, and I’m one of them, and her messaging sucked.

I’m blaming her campaign for having poor messaging and strategy, which led to her being tied with someone so crazy and unqualified when the letter came out. I don’t agree with her on everything but I think she is a good candidate for the job and a good person, however she has never been a good campaigner. She needed

It’s really all about nationalism versus globalism in my opinion, but that’s not as easy to frame as partisan politics since both exist on each side.

It should never have been close enough for that to matter. It’s a simplistic blame point for a complex issue.

Well the io9 staff are not the general populace, they should probably know these things. Also I think it’s a shame that instead of promoting a much better cut of the movie most entertainment writers just ignore and crap all over it.

It is in the Extended Cut, which was the originally planned Final Cut and is way better than the theatrical cut.