
Yeah I wasn’t mocking your post, more how all modern blockbusters are so filled with CG and digitally altered they look like animated movies anyway. Especially movies like this.

“Live action” tee-hee

You can like shit most people think is bad. Hell, I love Batman v Superman. However you shouldn’t scream at people for disagreeing with you.

If you don’t believe cultural appropriation is a thing and don’t care what other people think why wouldn’t you wear it?

Melting pot, not lot. America is a place many cultures and races come together and intertwine. I dislike this recent Liberal push for a new segregation.

You sound like a caricature.

Phone typing error. I meant moderate independent. I am a moderate Liberal on some things and a moderate Conservative on others. Couple things I am “far left” about like socialized medicine.

Yeah sure. He would be a lot more accepted by moderates and Independents though. I am finding it very difficult to vote for Hillary despite my hate for Trump, but Kaine would be a no-brainer.

1) Looking at new evidence inherently means opening the investigation again, even if that doesn’t necessarily mean the whole shebang.

Speaking as a modern Independent, Kaine is TREMENDOUSLY better than Hillary and not seen as a corrupt liar by the majority of the American people.

And then there is melting lot culture with a splash of “I liked this video.”

Beyonce didn’t consider it offensive at all, let alone racist, but I am glad you’re here to override her.

Neo-segregation is dangerous and ugly. We’re a melting pot country, our cultures intertwine and meld together.

In a melting pot all culture is for everyone.

I think most people acknowledge that in a melting pot you are going to get this crossover and it’s actually kind of fun and cool. I’m pretty solidly Liberal but “cultural appropriation” kind of baffled me and I bet it baffles Amy Schumer.

AoS is nowhere near important enough for any of that to be justified expense or even story wise.

It’s because the show is actually pretty irrelevant even tho the early marketing pretended otherwise.

Haha no they certainly do not.

Surely a rights issue. As many articles have discussed these two realms are not as tied together as fanboys wish they were.

Coulson cannot pop in without addressing that he’s dead in the movieverse, which would take some time. Also I like that he’s dead and AoS sucks.