
They’d never get a conviction anyway because she said under oath it never happened.

I think that more means that in the chaotic scrum his reach and pull wasn’t intentional battery or targeted contact. Also he mentioned she touched Trump in a similar fashion just before, weakening the case. That’s what I gathered hearing snippets on the radio anyway.

I love that Gawker commenters woke up and realized today that not everything is offensive. Well, moat of them. Way to go on post and stars.

Love your post and love how perfect examples followed your post.

Isn’t that all vage rumor though? Legitimately asking.

I’ve always thought the earliest born baby to survive is a good guideline for abortion laws, and that was 21 weeks. The 20 week law therefore made a lot of sense to me, as evil as I’m sure that’s seen around here.

It’s legal language, there is a standard for hate-crime to be the right designation. I get that it sounds weird verbally but it’s a legal proceeding using legal language and the judge is right there.

I don’t think we should romanticize suicide or death at a super young age. Not do I think we should push the idea that living in this country (or the vast majority of the rest) is so bad rational people would want to eject. These ideas are irresponsible when mental illness is so misunderstood, ignored and mishandled.

Love this comment but of course it won’t get much support here! People who incite anger and hate on both sides are bummers.

I really don’t think they meant the Jamie/Cersei scene to be rape. That was just a director screw-up, depicting it poorly for our current societal mindset.

Only female nudity and female abuse is bad, because “punching down” or something. It’s certainly not an archaic idea that women need to be protected from letting themselves be exploited, no sir!

Well they never really show labia either, the rare full-frontals are 99% merkins. Same for other HBO shows. Genitals bad!

Thanks for the great post. My gut reaction to this controversy is “characters die all the time and you’re trying to make gay characters immortal.” I’m trying to challenge that gut reaction and learn the other perspective though, and your post is well written and helpful.

For my wife and I it’s important the whole family share a name. We agreed on that right off the bat. We wanted to be “the Smiths” and wanted that unity.

People who aren’t hardcore Democrats tend to hate Hillary too though. That would be an insane general election between two people a lot of the country hates. I wouldn’t bet money either way.

Even I, someone against quotas and affirmative action, think that quote is dumb. You can make an effort to increase diversity in your group in general, if you see it doesn’t reflect society well. It doesn’t require a quota or firm rule that limits White participation, it just requires a more thoughtful casting or

I’m someone who really connects sex and emotions, so when I was single I looked for someone like me. I didn’t know if “number of partners” was a good test of that, but it seemed to me at the time that someone as opposed to casual sex as I was would have a number on the lower side. So basically I cared, but only as a

You keep putting words in my mouth and assuming things to label me as something and dismiss me. You have never addressed what I am actually saying or even realized I haven’t even given a personal opinion on abortion. You’re the epitome of “hive-mind commenter sees enemies in anyone who challenges them.” Good day.

You sound like a Libertarian with the anti-government involvement at any level talk. I also think it’s amusing that right after your “you don’t have a uterus” attack, implying anyone concerned about the politics of completely unrestricted abortion is ignorant and not woman enough or what-have-you, you link me to an

Such a weak go-to argument when you consider the polling numbers for women on late-term abortions.