
We’re a nation of moderate fiscal conservatives and moderate social liberals though. You summarize the strong left view, and that’s fine, but Lois’ point here is that your view isn’t the dominating one and our system is set up for moderate compromise and shared power. It works best when that is understood and voted

That wouldn’t change the issue, really. I guess if your goal is just “less white dudes!” then sure, but him being Hispanic isn’t really any different from white when it comes to adopting Asian mythology or whatever.

So is the “Asian karate dude in White America” stereotype. Hence screwed either way, hence just stick to the comics.

It’s funny that a show can be a “hit” on Netflix with a viewer count much lower than a prime time TV success. Them goalposts always be moving. Reminds me of when Star Trek Enterprise was a failure with the same ratings as mega-success Battlestar Galactica, because BSG was on cable.

As irrational as it might be I can say I never watched Carter because I hated the first few eps of SHIELD. I just kind of wrote-off all the ABC Marvel shows at once. Also I am much more a movie guy than TV guy anyway and barely like the Netflix shows.

I never read comics so I just judge it as an action movie. It wasn’t amazing or anything but it was fun, well directed and Jackman is great in the role. I had a good time.

I liked quite a bit of it. The opening is great, a lot of the action is great. It just has poor effects and the story goes off the deep end in the second half.

I think that’s a very agenda-pushing way to see Deadpool’s success and FF’s failure. Maybe one was just a good movie with good Trailers and the other wasn’t?

I really liked The Wolverine and don’t understand the hate for it at all. Granted I only saw the director’s cut, but I doubt they’re that different.

I’m a Democrat but a lot of MSNBC shows were too far Left for me, so I don’t watch them. This includes Perry, O’Donnel and Maddow. If they’re going more moderate that would be a welcome change, since CNN kind of sucks lately.

I’m not arguing they aren’t Republicans or aren’t against programs to help poor or working women. I’m saying being pro-life doesn’t mean you’re on an anti-woman crusade. Almost half of American women are pro-life. Some people genuinely think it’s murder and fight it on that basis. I can’t dismiss them all out of hand

Rubio doesn’t. A lot of them don’t. The ones that do probably do so to make it politically palpable. I don’t think any of things are clear cut, their stance or ours, but we all do each other a disservice when we dismiss the other side instead of trying to understand it.

Not saying I disagree with you, but if they truly think abortion is murder (which they do) then simply not having one themselves isn’t very satisfying. It’s a crusade for them and a divisive issue because (from their perspective) other people murdering babies isn’t something they can say “well agree to disagree” about.

I really like that Coulson remains dead in the movies. I hope that never changes. The rest should get cameos in a montage of all of Earth fighting Thanos somehow.

The real problem is Bernie is going to be too far Left for many and Hillary has horrible negatives in polls and a lack of trust. Getting out the Dem vote or expecting it to be loyal is going to be a tough call this year.

Whoever isn’t there should be.

I was saying Trump can’t win for months and so were the pundants. Yet here he is, winning. I really think the Democrats are GREATLY underestimating his general election chances. He’s actually pretty centrist outside of immigration and the vast majority of people don’t care about the offensive comments (or find them

Fantasy stories always draw from medieval times and then twist things to be, well, fantastical. Some keep the darkness of those times and are called “low fantasy” and some pretty it up and call it “high fantasy.” Either way that’s the source of setting though, and adding fantasy elements doesn’t change that.

It’s a medieval style world, based in the reality of those times. Wedding night rape was typical. That’s what they’re talking about when they say this. I like dark and realistic medieval settings, usually fantasy goes for a more Tolkien style romantic version of those times. It’s nice GoT isn’t afraid to go dark.

I’ve seen this a lot on the internet lately, the idea that main characters suffering has to have a larger point. Not saying you’re wrong, and you’re the writer, but as a movie guy since the 80s I have to tell ya I’ve seen a lot of violence and suffering just for impact.