
Fair enough.

What I don't understand is if this guy has Alzheimers and is obviously super confused, and his wife is taking over the team, why is the NBA focusing on Mr. Sterling? To me it should be about whether Mrs. Sterling should be allowed to take over, or if that damages the NBA.

Looks decent but I doubt it will replace a real desk setup for comfort when playing mouse and keyboard games. It would work well to operate a pure TV PC though, between games.

The Third Doctor said he was 3,000 years old once. It's never been consistent, and showrunner Steven Moffat says the Doctor has no idea how old he really is and makes it up. In fact the Eleventh Doctor basically says that in Day of the Doctor.

I think it's difficult to do full-on all the time co-op without the game feeling like a co-op game in general, which would angle pure singleplayer folks like me. That's why many of us worry about a co-op Elder Scrolls, it might make the game feel more like Borderlands than Skyrim.

I feel like this was a great press conference for the Nintendo faithful. However I don't think it's going to make any new fans of people doing other things.

PC is the platform with the best versions of all those games, so I assume you would say PC won!

Inside said "console exclusive." Some of the others are no-brainers. Jeff Gerstmann is reporting even the Halo collection had a mouse interface in his demo, before they switched to a controller (not that Halo matters much to me).

At least a few of those are going to be on PC as well. I don't count "console exclusives" as exclusives.

It was PC footage, probably super uber-PCs. It won't look that good on consoles, no.

Very few games were exclusives. Those that were I have no interest in.

Be proud of your minority opinions when surrounded by others! Both genders have to go through it sometimes. Me at pep rallies... not a pretty sight. Don't feel intimidated, feel special!

I don't think successful consoles have ever been about maintaining a certain resolution or framerate.

Uhhhh... okay?

Valve have said officially that offline mode is designed to be indefinite. I used it once for about 6 months when I was overseas. So I don't know where your "90 day limit" information comes from?

People with a vested interest in something succeeding like to talk in absolutes.

New games from big publishers are still $60 on Steam, and people buy them in droves. Skyrim was a top seller on Steam for months without a price drop.

I don't have a dog in the fight, I'm a PC only gamer, but from the outside looking in I think Sony's strong message of GAMES YO and marketing savvy were big factors too.

If kids are really growing up on tablets now I guess tablet games will eventually take over. However most kids I know (cousins, nehphews, friends' kids, etc.) are growing up on League of Legends and Steam sales, to be honest.

It was a combination of both Microsoft losing the plot and Sony making a solid games machine and selling it properly.