
This is not intended as an insult at all, but you seem to really misunderstand the difference. I can download a GOG game and never need to sign-in, authorize, download or anything like that ever again on any PC. With Steam once you download and authorize you can go offline, but you will need to sign in with Steam to

Which PC client/service a developer uses for their online PC game is a much different thing from entirely different platforms like the PS4 and Xbone.

Steam requires you to authorize the games before installing and playing them. Even if you use the Steam backup feature you will have to connect to Valve's servers to reinstall the game. Also offline mode can reportedly fail some people, due to numerous factors (though it isn't supposed to).

Well said Sir. Competition is good.

Indeed. There's really no reason Steam needs to have DRM. Hopefully one day they remove it through a client update, like iTunes did for music.

Well that's why my first post questioned how many PC gamers with a rig that could play Halo 4 were also Xbox gamers in the first place. I know I and every other PC gamer I talk to who also has a console has a Wii or PS3, not an Xbox 360. There's simply very little on Xbox 360 I can't also get on my PC or PS3.

I think their sales pitch would go something like: "Microsoft has brilliant franchises gamers love, and we're giving you the choice of how you want to enjoy them. Starting today we are releasing all our first party games day one on both Windows and Xbox One. If you prefer the console experience we will have a great,

I'm just honestly not sure that many PC gamers are buying an Xbox for Halo and Gears. I guess I could be wrong, but for me personally shooters are the biggest genre I DON'T want to play on a gamepad, and those two franchises aren't enough to make me buy a $400 console plus Xbox Live just to play them.

Fair enough. Mass Effect was the same deal, published by Microsoft on Xbox which made it easy to get a PC version out, but the PS3 version took years and years. Might be the same deal here, or might get accelerated if Capcom are willing to give Microsoft a bunch of concessions.

The point is since Microsoft published the game a Windows version makes sense. A Playstation 4 version would require a lot more work and money on Capcom's part, if it's even possible.

Microsoft published the game.

We got the first two, and the first one is arguably the only one with great singleplayer, so... I'm fine.

Microsoft game on Windows makes sense. Microsoft game on PS4 will never happen.

They tell you that you need to sign in to save, but you can sign in to an offline profile. Been that way since the beginning. It's a persistent misconception across the entire internet that you need to be online to save. It was never true.

Bulletstorm saves fine on an offline local profile. Played it on day one that way, never had a problem. All singleplayer GFWL games should be fine, it's the online that's going away.