
So we should get rid of hockey? Got it.

The Carnifex Hand Cannon is one of my favorite video game weapons.

Warren Ellis was a writer and executive producer for the show. He’s also famous for Transmetropolitan, which is basically the story of a Cyberpunk Hunter S. Thompson.

I loved it, and I know relatively little about Castlevania. All of the criticisms I’ve heard—the pacing, the gore, the irreverence—were actually positives for me. The gore, in particular, just didn’t strike me the way it seems to have hit others, and I generally have a pretty low tolerance for that sort of thing. It


he said “so whack” not “so what”

As an interpreter myself, a lot of what is said in this articles rings true. Unfortunately, outside of the public/EU/UN sector interpretation is viewed as both easy and cheap. People think that the only required skill is knowing a bit of both languages, and as a result they see no need to pay for it. Worse still, some

I love Americans who think that liberalism is a left leaning ideology.

Nobody who puts 420 in their username is eligible to call out anybody for anything, ever. You have to at least be a junior in high school first.

It’s the Journalism of Attachment. It’s caring about the world you report on. Some people say that’s bad journalism. That there should be a detached, cold, unbiased view of the world in our news media.

I’ve been saying it for a year or two now, but Critical Role is some of the BEST TV I have ever watched. It’s so real. It’s made me cry numerous times, especially recently with Taryon. And it’s fucking IMPROVISED! It’s the best.

Critical Role is my fucking jam.

Yeah, Critical Role actually got me to dust off my DM’s books again. Thought that would never happen. They are a ton of fun to watch. I’ve seen the whole series, but I will often keep it on in the background just for the fun of it.

Seriously, the Critical Role show is the single reason I got into D&D. I played once in high school, briefly (like 3 or 4 sessions), about 12 years ago. I randomly found Mercer’s game on YouTube, and after 15 minutes of watching I fell into it hard (like one of their characters did recently). Now I am the DM for four

As for the Twitch stream, Critical Role is a paid subscription? WTF?! Oh well.

A big part is that the people who played D&D as kids are now adults. The inmates are running the asylum sort of situation. The entertainment industry especially is full of nerds im loving it.

As Sammy baby says, a lot of it was regional, but DnD early on fell afoul of the Satanic Panic, which, in the 80s and 90s, saw Satanic influences *everywhere*. My wife remembers growing up and being told in church these wild and obviously made-up stories about how Satan was behind Metallica, Magic Cards and many

D&D streams never interested me until i saw Critical Role, DM’d by the afforementioned Matt Mercer, on Twitch by accident. And really, none has interested me since either. CR seems to be one of a kind.

So they are doing good it seems, and I just read people are using D&D in therapy. One Q. When did D&D go from “its the devils tool” to ok for therapy. Im not a nut who believes that shit but man it was like blasphemy to even talk about D&D growing up.

Looks like she’s listening to “The Charleston”