Good on paper... But would never want it.
Good on paper... But would never want it.
Random coincidence then. Two people were sent to jail and fined £100,000 for helping Asians pass their citizenship test.
Did you just watch Fake Britain?
Such a shame. Now he'll look like a drug dealer.. ....
The name says it all.
I want to see something made of carbon fiber get hit.
Will never have the opportunity to ask a random woman to "crank me over" xD
You find out how useful it is when you put the car into reverse too quickly..
Wouldn't the stick/knob be more overlooked than the gearbox itself?
You beat me to it.
Disc brakes need a mention. How many people would be able to handle drums on the front in this modern age?
148 in a 55?.. If that's possible, the limit should be raised to 70.
I like it.. but would I drive it?.. No
This is all I could think of..
I think it's one of the worst chases I've ever seen.
Even an old Skoda looks good in white in the modern age..
I want to say Horacio Pagani.
It's what you said.. literally a periscope.
Are they 250cc? ... Not impressed.