
Can't explain why.. but somehow seems right..

Always the answer...

Looks like it needs wider wheels and more downforce.

Don't worry. It's only Justin Bieber.

That backing track is atrocious.

Triumph TR6

The Parcour.. Really? So soon?

As long as they keep the iridescent paints..

Ford really should bring back the Sierra name.

The F40 did it better.

Photos of the car needed!

Fabricate a cage and have some Mad Max fun.

My head now hurts.

Anything that's not technically English..

MurciƩlago. You forgot the accent.

They look better in person than in pictures.

Perfect stress relief car. Kick in a panel and replace when fully mangled.

VW did sort of give them the middle finger with the GSR..

Mr.Vengeance could always put a Decepticon emblem on his one and roll around as an evil twin.