
Danica Patrick. simple enough answer?

Any Daihatsu Charade before 2003. my 1997 is just fun. cheap to run, about 40mpg and never breaks down.

They are ugly in the real world though.



I was thinking Baja Bug.

I actually agree.

AWD peelout would have been an interesting come back. bad for the clutch but immensely satisfying.

That. was. epic.

Interesting to see modern technology still can't handle the cars long rivalled nemesis... the tree.

I really want to see that as a youtube series :D

Half winner. he should have signalled when cutting back across the lanes.

You could say.. It 911'd her.

Since Stig has no concept of a bike. he would have just thrown the guy in for not using a car.

End of line.

Looks like an idea for a new MC12

I'm impressed

That's not how you play Carmageddon.

They do it rather well.