
The Internet is comprised of 99% assholes. More at 11.

It did not die. It reassembled into a better phone, Android.

This isn't the first time I've seen something like this attempted. When I was about 10 years old, we had a player on my baseball team who wore his mitt on his foot. Obviously we didn't use him that often, in fact only when we were up or down by a large margin, or if people came to the game specifically to see him. It

Agreed what is next? Ceilingfanboy will appear from the digital ashes?

Think about the subway. What does it do? What is its purpose?

Langoliers much?

It's simply amazing what someone, anyone, can discover, if they just took a basic course in chemistry (for starters). Seriously, all it takes is one semester.

An ice angel. Well there's something Moffatt may not have thought of..

I beg to differ. Vista was rightfully maligned when it came out for needing a lot more resourced than XP while having several software and hardware compatibility issues. By the time the first service pack came out, though, computers were readily available that could handle Vista and many of the incompatibilities had

I do PC repairs for a living, and my main issue with Windows 8 is that the OEMs (can?) no longer put the product key on a sticker on the bottom of the PC. Combine that with the fact that OEMs are frequently not including reinstallation media with new PCs, instead opting to tell the end user to create them (they never

Screw you Eric. (That's for begging MS to not abandon the abortion that is Windows 8's UI)

Sorry. Had to get that out of the way. Other than that, have a great life. I'm sure you're a great guy with a lovely singing voice.

Now on to business: Dear Microsoft,
Please consider this: Not everyone loves your metro UI. In

I have been a Windows supporter, sysadmin, IT manager, IT director and head of IT since 1995. I have been here since Windows 3.1. I've installed it on thousands of computers from personal systems to global enterprises. I know every corner of the OS from Winsock to the registry to custom deployments. I have BUILT my

The biggest mistake of Windows 8 — other than not including any training or tutorials or FAQs — is really simple: It came optimized for touch-tablets out of the box, leaving Desktop users to have to spend time configuring dozens of little options to make it work optimally out of the box.

Roland Emmerich has a boner

After reading Scoble's article, Glass doesn't appear 'doomed' as much as it sounds half baked. Many of his complaints are around lack of apps, poor UI, no integration into certain services he expects -all the sort of stuff you see in an immature technology. Now, if this was logitech doing the development I'd say

As one of the original Google Glass "Explorers", I've had since July to ponder where I think Google Glass may be headed. At this point, I can see it going one of two ways.

"Great, we can pass those savings onto the customer!"

**The Road to Guantanamo**