
Your point of view makes sense... today. But in a couple years RIM would disintegrate into bankruptcy (in my opinion, of course).

RIM needs to do the following:

End of the world? How about the worlds largest dump truck (yeah, it's not a "car", I know. eff y'all).

OK, I'll bite.

You're absolutely right.

No, she's not.

I think he meant "pact".

Might I suggest using, The Facebook?

Been there, done that.

Hmm... I think I also want to try this with a box of bang-snaps taped to the door-handle bumper.

"However, separating music clouds from their mega-sized motherships turns them into commodities."

Ever wonder why mobile service providers place bandwidth caps on their data plans?


Close the medicine cabinet.

Go forth!

Taken with a similar CCTV 25mm f1.4 lens on an Olympus e-pl2.

Yeah, the "tilt-shift" statement is a little disingenuous. On the other hand, these lens vignette and blur so much, I wouldn't be surprised if something thought it was tilt-shifted when shot wide open.

Sorry buddy, I actually take offense here. I bought myself a CCTV lens (like the one in the story above) for $25 off eBay (25mm f1.4) to shoot with my Oly e-pl2. The video and stills I've shot with it are amazing. Yes, you will get vignetting and soft focus around the edges and a warped and motion-blur-like bokeh...

Maybe they should move final assembly south of the border. You know, to keep with the spirit.

Sorry, I am only promoting this because of your name.