
@triplecheeseburger: Seriously, where do keep those 1's and how do spend them? Can you use them at Subway? I hear the Chicken Bacon Ranch Wrap is mighty tasty!

NBC Lineup:

The looks perfect for forensic and archival photography. Also, I know someone mentioned this further down, but I can see this facilitating single-lens 3D (given a large enough lens). OR... 3D playback with depth-of-field adjustable on the fly.

"You best make sure Jebediah, harvests his doubled corn and hay this time around or I'm keeping all the fruit OTBs to myself out of spite.

When the moon is in the seventh house, and jupiter aligns with mars, I suggest we all hold on to our butts 'cause it's gonna get nasty up in here.

@aelver: In the sandstorm? To me, it looked like "SIN".

@takamarou: Kinda got the same feeling too - he sounded a little too... StormChasers?

"I'll take the Penis Mightier for 500, Alek."

Hey man, I pee myself on stage all the time - keeps the chicken-cow from stabbing me in the face with it's tail.

I thought this is what tequila makes you see.

"It's got it all!"

Yes, this is a repost...

@CapellaStar: You've got my approval. Critical thinking - much appreciated.

@Ducez: Just wanted to promote this comment. Thank you.

US President Barack Obama has given his blessing to a challenge - open to both children and professional developers - aimed at getting kids designing educational video games.