
@Netflix Heart-click

Installed! Excellent quality over wi-fi.

Mother Nature hath no fury like a fire storm.

Historic color motion pictures, indeed.

To the RIAA:

Done and done.

I remember playing Mechwarrior 2 on my computer around 94/95 (I think) and finding out how games for Windows 95 would run in Windows, not DOS.

Damn, I love the USA!

I'm waiting for the "Choose Your Own Adventure" version where I get to make up an ending worthy of the series.

I have Pinball HD (screen-shot from article) - it's awesome!

"I have other hobbies, sure, but none of them is in my pocket at all times, no matter where I am."

You really should have listed The Godfather I and The Godfather II as a single entry... but then that might have put them in the mini-series category!

@cocomojoe2: Nope, I'm from Maryland, USA.