
I did some work in a machine shop several years ago during a Mech E internship. Occasionally, they would make aluminum blocks with *extremely* flat surfaces. They were always very careful not to set one on top of another because the sides would bond together at a molecular level (Vanderwall's Forces, I think...) -


@LoganSix: Normally, I wouldn't respond, but... yes.... even though Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory came out in 2005 and Super Troopers came out in 2001...

@BobotheTeddy: Do yourself a favor - watch this tonight.

@Stevox: BTW, if you want one good reason to see the movie Lifeforce (1985), visit the link below:


For it to sound right, you have to...

@Chernobyl: Hey, they stole that line from Super Troopers at the beginning of the movie when that kid eats all the pot and shrooms, starts tripping and licks the glass divider in the cop car, right before the crazy cop gets in and yells "Yee - haw, we're going to Mex-eee-cooo!" and drives off doing donuts in the

Instant oral feedback.


Hey, if you look at an photo of the Los Angeles skyline from the 80's it looks like an upside-down version of the mothership from Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

@Scott.Gardeski: Thanks for pointing out the difference between sampling frequency and frequency response.
