
@joey006: Awesome! Thank you.

Alright, I might sound like a dick asking the following question, but I am being completely serious (no, I don't have an Android phone yet):

@RandomNickname: Show me the setting on all Android phones that allows them to non-destructively be updated (meaning - don't lose any software, settings, etc.) to the lastest, Vanilla version of Android without sacrificing software or hardware functionality or precluding and future OTA updates from the carrier.

"Before we all get riled up, this is probably only a temporary bug and not the genocide of the Android Market you were hoping for."

Great article Matt, but you can bet your ass that *nobody's* marketing department likes what you have to say.

"We apologize to folks who couldn't be here... this is the biggest place we can get, so... anyway." Laughs!

@Stevox: Just kidding. I love you guys.


Nothing like a quick jaunt through time and space to fix the mistakes that brought us to today's "meta-liveblog".


Now introducing:

"Wanna launch a nuclear missile strike at WWDC 2010?

"Hi, I'm Steve Wozniak, and the iPhone was *my* idea."

You know how I made my fortune, Marty?

Oh Giz, you should have listened to Mother.

"You know what I was just thinking? I bet every device in the future will have cool-blue monochrome screens like this.


"You know what I love?

From here I can almost see the podium. Stay in the car, I'm gonna go do some reconnaissance.