I love the Windows 7 desktop themes, but they only serve to underscore how inappropriate this concept is for the crammed, portrait-oriented dimensions of a WinMo 7 smartphone.
I love the Windows 7 desktop themes, but they only serve to underscore how inappropriate this concept is for the crammed, portrait-oriented dimensions of a WinMo 7 smartphone.
This is her world. We just live in it.
Hmm... I'd like to bring some popcorn and soda to a Left 4 Dead 2 wedding, and maybe a melee weapon in case there's audience participation.
Back in high school, a couple friends of mine had part-time jobs working at Kitchen Bazaar.
@EdgesRazor: Good old days, indeed. I remember taking some of the skills I learned in my 9th grade BASIC programming class (running on Apple II e's, or whatever) and going home to fire up QBASIC so I can write programs that make pixels bounce around the screen and trace diagonally-oriented rectangles like a shitty…
@Brightmotor: In DOS, I could play Decent I & II, Doom, Strike Commander, Wolfenstein 3D, Duke Nukem, Mechwarrior...
If the rumors are true, Apple had me at "tablet", but lost me at "iPhone OS".
HeLaVa cell line!
@drakino: Excellent synopsis and spot-on. I remember the brief period where it seems that some other operating system, like OS/2 Warp would take over.
@Arken: Aw man, I forgot about looking for Vesa-compatible drivers. I remember the first time a ran a game in 640x480 at 256 colors - what a revelation. Then came Mechwarrior at 1024x768, in DOS, in 16bit color... wow.
Oh man, Windows before it got effed up by the advent of the system registry...
Learn to let go...
BREW - from the makers of the platform which runs every over-priced, Verizon Arcade game on an endless series of Verizon Qualcom-based dumb-phones which have yet to be eclipsed by far superior iPhone apps because of CDMA market exclusivity and Apples resistance to the red-iron-hand.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face—forever..."
Nomenclature Redux:
@AYB: v.Clone automates the process of virtualizing your computer - you can already do this with VMware Workstation, for example, but that will cost you (and it doesn't have the sync'ing described in the article).
I'll betcha anything they knew about it ahead of time and just let it happen.