
Looks like one of these

Honestly I feel most people would overlook the beautiful SL because it doesn’t have that modern appeal. I understand what this list is trying to say but I would want something with more presence at a reunion. Example, you have 2 cars a older Mercedes SL pictured above and a new SLS which do you think the feeble minded

Im not talking about the color, It was the first image i found on google images. I would pick a subtle white or silver, maybe black.

I do agree but this list if for “car people”, for example do you think anyone from your high school knows what a citroen even is? I could probably count on one hand the amount of people who might know. At that point you’re probably better off showing up in a base model Audi A4. People see German car and assume wealth.

really? not one of these?

That picture reminds me of this.

Lol at the reverse footage at 1:20 ish, man walking backwards on the left side

you forgot one ;)

German taxi movie?

Still don't get it. Why not BENZ?

I live in NJ this is what I did for a while..... because I didn't have holes drilled into my bumper.

I hope they air it out of spite, this is ridiculous.

All the sharp curves are starting to dull over and the hip new 90's styling Diablo is born. (SV pictured)

1982-1991 this should count?

My neighbor actually has one of these

Just to compare, Ferrari will build 499 LaFerraris. So, if you park your Saab 9-4X next to a LaFerrari, you can loudly brag about having the rarer car. And then open all the doors and stand back so all those honeys can come pouring in.

I was honestly waiting for a ford focus to inturrupt their "bro down" in that intersection.

THIS, Dont forget this!

very interesting to read!

S63 maybe?