This article is the kind of thing douchebag MRAs think feminists are always like.
This article is the kind of thing douchebag MRAs think feminists are always like.
Get a sense of humor bro
Just think about it this way:
I thought this kid was the biggest nerd I had ever seen. Then I read the comments criticizing him. Congrats guys.
Awesome. So instead of battle mode this time we get . . . a harder difficulty? It must have been a huge challenge to slide the “bullshit” setting on the AI further to the right.
I sincerely hope nobody got paid to write this.
are these ever funny? There are lots of not funny videos on youtube. Does this guy's cousin work at kotaku or something?
I just ask people who make this argument why guns are so important for protection if they aren't any more dangerous than a household object. Why do you need a gun so badly for self defense? You have a swimming pool, a knife and a seatbelt.
where are the battle arenas?
I actually like the time travel story. Searching for clues in the past for a present day mystery seems so cool to me.
when nintendo releases a battle mode DLC with arenas, I will buy the game, 4 pro controllers, and the DLC
Calling it. Exposure to lyryptonite makes him bald
Time for the weekly Cinema Sins posting. Maybe one day these will be funny.
The Blue shell doesn't equalize anything. If you're in last place it's not going to get you into first. It doesn't help you it just Fs the person in first and helps maybe the guy in second.
"multi colored yoshis" is a funny name for Battle Mode Arenas DLC.
Dear Nintendo:
So now instead of waiting 6 months after initial release to get it for $10 or whatever on steam I'll have to wait a year?
if they make a 4th one it's not a trilogy anymore
You do realize this is Nintendo we're talking about right?
guy is in the video games section with his kid. He sees a mario 3d world demo and has a flashback. We see him pounding away at mario 3 as a kid. We pop back to the store with the kid running up to his dad with a copy of super mario 3d world in his hand. "Dad, can we get . . ."