
oh, and here's a freebie for you nintendo, cuz your marketing is sad this gen:

Pull Retro off of whatever nonsense they are making and put them to work on Metroid Prime 4 IMMEDIATELY

Does your health insurance not cover acne? Because mine does.

Infertility is a medical condition. If the govenment is handling the bills for medical care I don't see why they wouldn't cover a medical condition.

I'm 28. I am an industry analyst at the world's largest bank. I am married. I and almost every guy I work with love video games. Also Joe Scarborough is a moron.

Every purchase is a value proposition. Angry customers in a case like this is a warning to the companies. While the practices they are engaging in might not currently be enough to outweigh the benefit / enjoyment a specific consumer receives from a given game at a given cost, the consumer still sees diminished value