So smart. North Americans are all about automation, but the rest of the world is so amazing at great lo fi solutions. Good post.
So smart. North Americans are all about automation, but the rest of the world is so amazing at great lo fi solutions. Good post.
Metro. I digressed.
To save you time searching through MS's site here's the direct link [] . The download size is huge at 3.64 gb!
Because it allows you to install more than one os extra os, and it allows you to be in your Mac and in another os at the same time, which saves you the hassle of setting up an entirely new machine for everything. Also you don't need to reboot your whole machine every time windows needs rebooting which is frequent.
You install it within os x, but you can't use a bootcamp partition with virtual box. You have to use one of the other options.
Get used to it. The propaganda has just begun. See my more detailed analysis of what's gone wrong above. :)
Windows gone snazzy. Metro is so hmm, so Protestant. There's something wrong, maybe more than one thing. But then style has never been the forte of anything Microsoft. It's been their Achilles heel in fact, and this is on full demonstration here. It's so middle of the road corporate/condo. I guess maybe I'm too hard…
Funny that they can't even put a properly edited video out. Bunch of donkeys.
Duh. If Apple couldn't get their devices working with that crap, and I'm sure they have the most talented people in the industry working on this stuff, then it's not really possible unless you want your device running under 5 hours on a charge, full of security holes, and unstable. Let's hope the end of the nightmare…
It's just a copy or facsimile of one.
Can't frankly ever imagine windows working well enough to run on a tablet properly. I'm trying very hard to imagine. No I can't do it. The problem is that windows code base just isn't good enough unless they're pulling off a miracle of miracles. Apple can do it because the kernel is a rock called unix, and android…
Been using it for a couple of years. The only main thing it's missing is search. I just installed windows 7 through bootcamp and was trying to find the best clipboard manager for windows. I have a license to clipmate, but I'm finding I just can't look at that app these days.
Downloaded it. Looks like a well done app, but how is watching that shit going to help? Just wondering.
I very much doubt the book is going anywhere anytime soon. The market for paper books is smaller, but it will always be there unless they figure out a way to remove drm locks and move to a totally standard file type that is open. Even then paper is still superior on many fronts, although it is a drag to move around.
Maybe it's a good time to reflect about the destruction of war in general.
Is there a way to make snowy finder icons like the new ones? I like them. But I also run the slate theme and have a grey desktop. I don't like all those colors on the chrome. It's less distracting I find. Personal preference.
Perhaps google is 80% more efficient than some companies running servers in a really inefficient way, but it seems doubtful that overall cloud computing is more efficient than highly energy efficient servers run by companies with a commitment to green energy who could purchase credits from places like bullfrog power…
Another good example of how Microsoft could be doing something amazing since Onenote is a great product, but if you need your stuff on other platforms they leave you high and dry. Our way or the highway. Their model of closed and proprietary is so annoying and increasingly so with the rise of smartphones running iOS…
Consider yummy FTP. It's faster, but not as pretty.
Your best weapons may be avoidance, escape or de-escalation. But obviously if your life is being threatened then use an improvised weapon, but be sure it's effective. A bike lock, for instance, is a good weapon. One night while walking my dog I had to defend myself against a crazy person and I just whipped my dog's…