
those 20k+ deaths a year count street opiates too. you know the drugs that opium addicts turn to when their doctors stop prescribing opiates?

I have known a few opiate addicts in my life. Prescribing them long enough to get addicted, and then cutting them off is making things far worse.

Having less addictive

You’re right about the War on Drugs being a resounding failure, but what you’re advocating is increasing its intensity. If you want to see a successful, compassionate, HUMANE solution to the drug crisis look at Portugal. There is plenty of data to show that decriminalization of all drugs is the answer.

It’s Filipinos, not Phillipinos.

You seem to be forgetting the patients here. Read through the comments and you will find multiple people who rely on prescription opiods for long term pain management.

Does not seem to work in any of the countries that already do this.

So women who have recently had a C-section should travel multiple times a day to a facility in order to take a pill?

I have got to assume you have never had major surgery or a sever accident.

The Philippines and Malaysia - yes, everyone is flocking to get in there.

Yes, any society that decides to do away with judicial appeals in order to streamline the execution process is murderous. If it happened in Greenland or any other country filled with white people, I would consider its citizens murderers.

Suicide rates are highest among anesthetists, community health physicians, general practitioners, and psychiatrists, NONE of which should be prescribing long term opioids.

If you really think that this is a good solution (can’t tell if you’re genuine, trolling, or just spit-balling an idea) then, seriously, Fuck you.

Clearly you are if you are getting so angry about it.

Try not to be stupid on the internet. We can all see you.

I’m more disturbed by the fact that you really are equating Neo Nazis with a bunch of disorganized idiots. Then again, 56% of Americans in a Harris poll said President Trump was right in that rambling speech last week.

Nah, the bigger problem is that the USA is in a mindless punitive “justice” system instead of rehabilitative system. Nothing like having freedom ring by imprisoning and disadvantaging your population more than other, more totalitarian countries.

I never said they should just get a slap on the wrist.

It’s ridiculous to even have a juvenile system if we are going to try 12 year olds as adults.

What we *should* do is help institutionalize them, care for them and their needs as best and compassionately as possible without endangering others.

What we do is lock them up in tiny rooms and restrain them and keep them alive.

I think Americans in particular fail to understand — or agree on, at least — the purpose of incarceration. I think that incarceration in most cases should be for the purpose of rehabilitation and the person should receive treatment, fair punishment, and education towards the goal of making them into a functional and

Why do people think that me saying they shouldn’t be tried as adults mean they should get a slap on the wrist?