
More like bad translation. A stein is something else.

That’s not a stein. Those are Masskrug.

Yes, you did

Crazy idea, they could just have registered in the states years ago.

Because the batteries are valuable. The other recyclers melt them down for valuable metals.

Middle class meant all the trappings of wealth without peerage.

I am fascinated someone who has no understanding of this issue wasted his time writing so much bs.

Only if you are salaried but not exempt.

So the game is broken, understood.

Watering down the product to gain new customers at the expense of your base has killed a lot of companies. Eventually the casuals move on, the base was going to stick around.

It's a bro FPS, it's an entire genre for casuals.

If you have bought dlc or "cosmetic only" IAP, congratulations you are why this exists. You are what is wrong with gaming. Please find another hobby 

Weren’t good?

Does it hurt to be this wrong?

So do that.

The best possible version?

Perhaps they shouldn't have a license to drove a vehicle they can't handle.

Cars do basically no road damage. It scales by the fourth power of axle load. Freight belongs on rails or paying a per mile tax.

Most people driving for uber and lyft lose money when you do the math. Between fuel and maintenance and wear and tear most of them will never bream even.

Is that a joke?