I could see this actually being great for some people. Right now I don't have cable; just internet. I don't shell out the extra $15/month for cable because at most I would watch like 3 channels. Now, if you give me a way to access JUST the channels I want for $5/month, that value is worth it to me. It kind of seems…
That's definitely fair.
Just because you're not the target audience doesn't mean it's a shit idea. Or one to get remotely as upset about as you seem to have gotten here.
Sidenote, I love that it says "Moderator" now!
Hey look I can do sarcasm too! That's exactly what I was saying. You are not a troll at all!
I understand your point and respect it. However, the issue I see is this:
How on earth are supermodels not supposed to be aspirations of body-type? Our society bombards young girls with messages about what beautiful looks like, and Barbie and supermodels drown out what few healthy images exist out there. This is a positive step in the right direction, but a whole lot has to change.
*Slow claps instead*
I'm on board with that. I'm a big gamer, but I care more about my physical fitness. I'm not a meathead or anything but I like to work out every day.
That's good, because it was the handling in 3 that really got on my nerves. I never felt like I was really in control, to the point that I just passed on many of the naval missions that weren't required for the core story.
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Are the boaty parts of 4 like the boaty parts of 3?
I'd love to put some of my PokeRus mons up for trade but I have still be unable to "connect to the servers". I've tried everything from utilizing different connections to setting up a DMZ on my router. No success :(
I'd throw cash at that game set.
I'd throw fistfuls of dollars at Marvel vs. DC game that was decent. Not even good. Just decent. Make it pretty and let me use Supes to beat the hell out of Tony Stark and I'll be happy.