It is, haha. But hopefully your patience has gotten better with age :)
As much as I loved this game...I also hated it's guts. Going back and forth in time, trying to collect every mask, it was some rough stuff. But it was one of those games that I was so determined to beat no matter how many times I had to replay the same exact area...I was going to beat it. And when I did beat it, it…
Sorry haha, the link for "the best chicken recipe of all time" is wrong...missing a :
Your link is messed up...fix that!
Not saying that this isn't a good deal BUT when you can get the Moto G 2014 for only $179, not locked down to the Amazon universe, then I don't see why people would buy this phone
Not saying that this isn't a good deal BUT when you can get the Moto G 2014 for only $179, not locked down to the…
I figured it wouldn't make the list, it makes sense so I'm not complaining, but Shining Force 1 and 2 have a special place in my heart. It introduced me to RPGs and to turn-based strategy games. They are pretty simple in gameplay, difficulty and even in story but something about those characters really make you…
A Maltese dish consisting of spaghetti, egg, and Parmesan cheese. Super simple and delicious.
A DSLR ends up paying for itself, and then some, if you use it for freelance work. I used to shoot photography and videography and it doesn't take many jobs to get your investment back
Yes! Thank you! I was trying to find this clip :) haha
whats the name of this song?? Haha
I kind of get the feeling that he knew his parents would act this way...not to say that it would be any easier to take. Why else would he record it. He possibly recorded this, knowing that it would turn ugly, and used it to make people feel sorry for him and donate. As terrible as that sounds, I wouldn't put it past…
I always wished someone would have made a new Dino Park Tycoon. With the graphics of today, I would have loved to see huge dinosaurs roaming around an amusement park haha
Dat figurine tho..
I got a text too that said "Welcome to Canada" and then informed me of the free texts and web, plus the $.20/minute voice. Definitely a big plus for T-Mobile. I was getting signal everywhere, better reception than an actual Canadian :) because my phone was jumping from network to network.
Lifehacker is always so relevant to my life haha. Just literally got back from a trip to Canada (I'm in California) Just wanted to mention that if you have T-Mobile, you auto-magically get free data and texts internationally. Voice is still $.20/minute but who talks on the phone nowadays
My all time fav, Shining Force for SEGA Genesis (I or II, either one is great) There's just something awesome in it's simplicity. The story isn't super unique but the characters in this game have character. I honestly remember playing this game when I was young (around 8 or 9 years old) and getting upset when one of…
I'm born again!