
By the exacting standards of the Great Race Determiner Jason Whitlock, Kaepernick simply isn’t black enough.

Whitlock is just jealous because Kaepernick can take a knee and then get back up again without going all the way to the ground first.

The name in the bible thing always gets me. There’s about as much chance as good things will happen because your name is near the Holy Word as there was that I would get with Cady Cantrell because some of my cum dried on her playmate pictures.

Man, thank goodness engineers obsessed with efficiency aren’t in charge of journalism or law.

Its bad journalism and they deserved to be punished for trying to use it for their benefit.

You’ve completely missed the point, and you apparently don’t have any understanding of libel law or freedom of speech.

You are the living embodiment of the “white moderate” stumbling block in MLK’s famous Birmingham Prison letter.

You’re an engineer, which explains why you have no understanding of libel law.

Here in this reality, the president of the United States woke up this morning and tweeted some dumbass shit about how like if you take down cheap, hollow, sheet-metal statues of the white-supremacist halfwits and slavers who went to war against the United States to preserve their power to own people, does it not also

Sure, he’s never stolen a base before. But in his defense, he never gets to be on base when Jon Lester is pitching.

I love the quote about victim-blaming from the NFL PR flack. Never mind that is exactly what the NFL did initially in the Ray Rice case - by insinuating to their shills that Janay Rice was to blame for provoking Ray and that’s why he initially only got a two game suspension - and by emphasizing that she “apologized

they have the absolute right to be nazi pieces of shit. and we have the right to ignore these turdburglars, or take their pics and dox them. same with westboro, same with scientologists, and everyone else.

How much longer until Deadspin starts covering eScorts?

Yep. There are some on the left who are letting Trump twist them up so much that they actually end up on the far right. I didn’t think that tree-hugging fascists would be a result of Trump, but here we are.

It’s limiting free speech. I mean, Jesus Christ, it’s our first amendment. It’s literally our most cherished right. It’s our freedom to say whatever we want without government interference. That’s our thing. You can’t have “freedom of speech... except this stuff over here that we don’t like.” That’s not freedom of

define “Nazi speech”

Good call. Let’s adopt fascist tactics to fight fascism, because that can’t possibly end poorly! The ends always justify the means! Let’s surrender our most cherished virtue to fight something we don’t like! It’s just like that old Ben Franklin quote: “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little

You seriously don’t think that police would use stuff like “pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon” or “what do we want?, Dead cops! When do we want them? Now” to erode BLM or similar groups?

“and flagrant racism will lock you up for up to 5 years.” Not that I wouldn’t love that here, but this is the slippery slope they’re talking about.

Hey dumbass, the argument is not that it is a slippery slope. The argument is that you have a God-given, natural right to free expression of ideas. Don’t like it, then complain about it, as you so inarticulately and unpersuasively do here. But if you try to forcefully take it away, be prepared for a fight. We as