
This has been too long coming. This country should never have tolerated the symbols of the Confederacy after the war. These statues and the battle flag have become so romanticized and bastardized that the people who praise them don’t even know what they actually stood for.

If you pee in the woods and a mosquito bites your dick do you get to tell people that you got your dick sucked.

I didn’t send this in in time, but this is my Vikings Fan story that encapsulated their previous season in a nutshell:

Guy gets hired at desk across from me, named Todd. Huge Vikings fan. I’m a Cheesehead, so I figure we’ll be friendly rivals. Wrong. By Week 3 I was getting guff from him daily regarding how the Vikings

“Or for a deliberately provocative analogy: do you think felons should always be dogged by their past indiscretions or should they get a fair shot at redemption and re-entering the workforce?”

Deliberatively provocative but also stupid. She’s got a fair shot at redemption. She’s not being barred from the tournaments.

I don’t know what’s worse, the actual segment or the people trying to defend it. This is in poor taste.

This is about as appropriate as Home Depot’s September 11th sale on box cutters.

“I’m all for freedom of speech, but these black guys are speaking in a way that makes me feel bad and guilty, and I don’t like feeling like that. Easiest solution is to shame them for speaking out.”

Maybe McGrath would feel more comfortable if the towel were a sheet instead.

I would watch more baseball if every team was required to put a position player on the mound for one inning.

White Sox Owner to GM: We must be rid of the white walkers

I just want to throw something out there, in anticipation of the comments about how no one is forcing these people to write, ect.

Well if I had money, tell you what I’d do, I’d not go to Doug’s and buy a Mercury for forty two.
You’d have to be crazy ‘bout that Mercury.
Lord, Doug’s crazy bout his Mercury.

Given a good portion of them are saying racist things, including actual WWII era Nazi slogans, I’d say the ones who are “protectin muh herituge” might be in the wrong crowd.

The alt-right protestors were protesting the removal of a statue of a segregationist and, many would say, traitor. Does that automatically make all of them racists? Maybe not all of them, but it’s a rather questionable cause they’re supporting.

I look forward to the President rushing to twitter to denounce this act of terrorism, as he always so bravely does.

I literally (old definition) facepalmed reading that.

There’s nothing anyone can say about the city of Philadelphia that Bill Burr didn’t cover in his infamous 12 minute attack on a philly audience.

Women are rarely lying in these cases, but when there is proof that she is asking her friend to lie for her, it seems like this might be one of those rare situations.

Damn, the NFL is the least consistent organization ever. This seems like one that shouldn’t have been adjudicated by the NFL at all based on the friend of the accuser stating the accuser asked her to lie to the police about him (including corroborating texts of this nature).

Amazing. It took a SEVEN-STORY FALL for a BMW to flash its turn signals. A bit too late for that, eh.