
A man who was very likely involved in a murder, who went on to continue playing and win two Super Bowl rings, chastising another man for speaking out against police violence.
This may well be peak NFL.

Look, I don’t want to be that guy but he wasn’t simply “refused entry” he didn’t have the proper paperwork to gain entry. Simply stating he was refused entry in the title implies there is some injustice or discrimination going on there.

I’d call Maher/Dawkins’ brand of atheism it’s own kind of organuzed religion, suffering from the same “I’m right, you’re wrong” vitriol that turns me off of any of them

Every Muslim person I know (at least, who I *know* is a Muslim) is completely accepting of my husband and I (a gay couple).

I mean, Muslims in the US are younger than the population in general as a demographic, and mostly urban, so this shouldn’t be too shocking.

I, too, am more accepting of gay people than I am of white evangelicals.

Uh, Drew, the Cubs and White Sox play every year thanks to interleague. We’re in, like, the second decade of it or thereabouts.

“‘dress for the job you want, not the job you have’”

Well, to be honest, no one expects an offense to happen there...

I’m desperately hoping this antiquated line of bullshit thinking dies with the Baby Boomers. “Professional dress” is just such a bullshit, mean nothing term. My aunt once asked me if I would give me money to a banker dressed in shorts. I said I’d give my money to someone wearing nothing but a tu-tu, swim fins, and

I enjoy how the Jacksonville installment in this series is always just as much “Why Your City Sucks” as “Why Your Team Sucks”. I could name 100 cities I want to visit in North America, and Jacksonville wouldn’t be any of them.

Shorts imply unprofessionalism the same way an adult diaper implies incontinence.

If you’re distracted by someone wearing shorts to work, you should probably reevaluate your job. It’s apparently not keeping you busy.

I know what I’m showing up in tomorrow.

Uh no. Dress codes need to die a quick death, for pretty much ANY position. Workers should be able to remain comfortable and covered within laws, but anything outside of that should be no business of the employer.

Pants=sweat in pretty much all of our offices. I wear lightweight pants and still spend most of my day on

the Nationals’ bullpen took over to close things out for the 1-0 victory.

Wow, I would’ve expected Bisciotti to be the dunkee.

We’re just joshing here I know, but it’s kind of telling that, in retrospect, compared with the incumbent, W. is more studious, a workhorse during briefings, and more up to date on the facts and details.

Well, does Goodell do it poorly? If we are saying (or at least, if in his mind) Goodell’s job is to be a fall-guy for the owners and make them money, I’d say he’s doing a phenomenal job of it, unethical though it may be. The players have no bargaining power, TV deals are insane, people spend all their time yelling at

It probably useful for us to keep in mind he is at heart quite literally a used car salesman. So he’s used to saying a bunch of contradictory things at once: “Boy, this here Buick Electra sure is a real cream puff. It’s as solid as you could hope for, don’t worry about the mileage. But of course you’ll want the