
The dumb shit in this story literally had $4k in savings and he blew it all on the down payment of a car significantly out of his price range. This isn’t a case of “being poor is expensive.” It’s a case if being an idiot with money. Now if the story was abut someone who had $200 in cash and had to take out an

Also, is 25% really predatory when the guy has absolute dog shit credit?? The other option was to just not lend to him, which he didn’t seem to thrilled with?

That’s really a bad example with this guy. $4k buys a perfectly reliable used commuter car. No reason to be spending $20+k. Did he not see 25% and not faint? Look at the interest payment and decide to maybe go look at $4k used cars?

The subject of the story literally had $4K in savings. That was his down payment. Sure, lots of people don’t have that, but this guy did.

If you are in a jam and really need a car, go to craigslist, set max price to whatever you have in savings, and search “Honda” and be done with it.

4,000 will buy you a perfectly suitable used commuter car. You don’t need a big fancy truck when your trying to get back on your feet. Sounds like the cycle just repeats itself.

EIA’s First Theory of Everything:

Hillary Clinton’s sordid email exchanges with underaged pizzas, of course.

His supporters loved it and said he was sending a clear message to the world we weren’t going to be pushed around anymore.

Thatz is not ok either.

Supreme and unwarranted confidence and a lack of self-awareness... those traits sound so familiar. Do you work in the WH?

I just saw a large segment about this with Auntie Rachel, and it is truly a trip to Crazytown. Apparently, part of the problem is that the lawyers Cheeto Hitler was able to hire are not Washington constitutional scholars, since all of the big DC firms bounced him when his people came sniffing around looking for

Patrick -

This is possibly the greatest idea I have seen on this website. I always worry that I left a door unlocked or left the garage door open when I KNOW that I didn’t but that doesn’t stop me from worrying. I am definitely going to use this.

Also, don’t go to the gym or eat healthy, just lose weight!

What pisses me off most about jagoffs like this guy...

Moncada still counts as a prospect for a little while. Different lists have different rules, but many of them consider a player a prospect until he has enough service time to qualify for ROY.

You are not wrong, but the game is trending younger in general. There are an unprecedented number of great players under 25 and, ever since PED’s became much harder to use, fewer over 35. They were paying more and more for less and less. Unless you are the Yankees, dodgers, or Red Sox and have a quarter billion dollar

I dunno, after today the White Sox will no longer have the No. 1 prospect in the minor leagues. Looks to me like they’re trending in the wrong direction.

Congratulations to Rick Hahn for pointing to the Cubs and telling Jerry “SEE, YOU CAN TRADE ASSETS FOR PROSPECTS AND BUILD A WORLD SERIES WINNER”