My family owns a boarding business and has a non-profit rescue org.
My family owns a boarding business and has a non-profit rescue org.
Am I the only one who hopes Beth Mowins is murdered by Michael Vick today?
Yes. It was felony abuse, possession of drugs without a license and a bunch of other shit. Unless you think electrocuting dogs is totally cool.
I’m beginning to think that there could be a racial component to all of this.
“I think he’s a great kid...”
Wait, so Michael Vick, who actually killed dogs for sport and managed to rejoin a team, thinks Colin is behaving too badly to be considered by a team? Is this bizzaro world?
This pitbull is incredibly rare. He’s one of one. If you’ve ever had a pet you know damn well it’s not “well let’s just get a new dog” it’s “I want my dog back” and there’s not much you wouldn’t do to make sure your little buddy is okay.
That’s a good dog. And those are stupid people.
It’s about time. Twice this month alone I went to an Overwatch match expecting to see Aaron Judge. Thank God someone is looking out for us little folk.
The bat flips from Jays players are getting more and more disrespectful.
The chance to over pay for free agents of questionable value next year has Chicago written all over it.
I have never felt more sympathy for a professional athlete.
Hold on - someone tried to make an algorithm to rate restaurants, and the concern is that it rated “Mexican” lower? Not to discount that, but either the person came up with an AI that can actually taste food, or someone decided that things like the taste of the food were just not important to how a restaurant is…
Judging from the picture, that guy’s entire life has been a huge mistake.
Might this have something to do with the fact that they both get hit in the head for a living, or is that giving them too much credit?
To be fair, Floyd is also a racist dipshit.
Since when is ‘I’m an old crazy cracker billionaire with giant statues of an idealized Herculean me in front of the stadium don’t back-sass me boy’ not a good reason?
At what point to fans just stop showing up/tuning in? I mean, Dolan doesn’t give two fucks, as long as he’s cashing the big checks.
Attendance this rebuilding year vs. previous two is only down 400 to 500. And is actually up compared to 2014.