The commissioner forced the Sixers to demote Sam Hinkie because other GMs didn’t like him, so no, the NBA is absolutely not better than this.
The commissioner forced the Sixers to demote Sam Hinkie because other GMs didn’t like him, so no, the NBA is absolutely not better than this.
Come on NBA you’re fucking better than this.
Fuck LaVar Ball. Every post on deadspin about the NBA should begin this way
... and from a site that assaults me with one name professional video game players I’m supposed to know. I’m with you.
This is an unreasonably condescending article.
It seems to have worked out for him. Retired at 27 with more money than most people will see in 10 lifetimes - even a “Wall Street” college degree having guy. He doesn’t have to work, he’s just got to find something to occupy his time. He’s got problems normal, college degree having folks could only dream of having.
You also should not have a dog.
It is absolutely shitty, because dogs aren’t devoid of feelings and attachment to other beings and moving them around like a used car will absolutely hurt them and makes you a shitty person.
Adopting a pet you already know that your significant other is allergic to is one of the the most low-key passive-aggressive bullshit things I’ve ever heard.
You are out of your fucking mind if you equate “not hitting on me” with “misogyny.”
Is this the same person who was jealous of the women who were fortunate enough to have an abortion? Or am I confusing this person with the woman who assumed OBJ must be misogynistic for not being interested in her goofy ass at some gala?
Apparently, she’s ugly on the inside too
It’s ALMOST as if Lena Dunham is a big fucking fake that happened to make a good TV show, but otherwise shouldn’t be trusted with anything because she’s too much like her own lead character...
I hate people that use pets as props.
“It’s just hard to believe the dog was nasty when she took Lamby to every green room with her when Girls was still a thing 4 years ago.”
No, but I’ve never made a minimum of $450k in any given year and football players are also permitted to work and earn money after their NFL career is over.
That study in Jakarta wasn’t about carpool lanes at all though. It was about a blanket carpool mandate, which is a much more severe restriction than any city in the U.S.
I don’t get any guaranteed money and I still manage to tip when I go out.
Kevan Smith immediately blamed Jake Arrieta.