The problem is, I don’t think there’s any team out there that fits that criteria (and doesn’t have a ton of money invested in somebody already). Houston is the closest I can think of but it is way, way too early for them to give up on Osweiler.
The problem is, I don’t think there’s any team out there that fits that criteria (and doesn’t have a ton of money invested in somebody already). Houston is the closest I can think of but it is way, way too early for them to give up on Osweiler.
As cold takes go, that one’s on the level of “Michael Jordan was better on the Bulls than he was on the Wizards.” Or “Tiger Woods was better at golf 15 years ago than he is now.”
Where they’ll pass on a solid high-floor player they need in favor of drafting a guy who’s some combination of pre injured and a project.
I am really annoyed by how many media outlets are still running with “lewd comments” and not “Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women.” Kudos to Anderson Cooper for bringing it up in the debate.
The single most inexplicable thing about Bears fans is how many of them want to run Jay Cutler out of town every time a career backup has a couple solid starts. This is Josh McCown all over again.
That’s a fair point, but I think continuity is really important between the kicker, snapper, and holder. So while they have someone else who could hold in an emergency, they’d want to go with the usual holder if at all possible. I can’t answer the question if that was a reasonable decision in this case though.
Yup. For a variety of reasons (sexism, dislike of the Clintons, and some fair criticisms of Hillary) this election probably would have been an easy win for the Republican Party if they’d nominated a centrist who could make their pro-wealthy/pro-corporate policies sound palatable.
And wrong.
Ed Werder, on the off chance you read this: fuck you, you old pussy.
What do you want, congratulations for being a moron?
I skimmed through those transcripts and they basically didn’t change my opinion of Clinton. They’re what I would expect from a savvy, pragmatic politician who is pretty moderate in a lot of ways.
I don’t know of anyone who previously loved football and gave up on it entirely all of a sudden. That seems bizarre.
If you cannot bring yourself to root for the Cubs, fine. If you cannot appreciate and respect the team that Theo Epstein and company have built, and the intelligent and patient process that was followed, then you’re not a baseball fan.
Yup. This is one of the most factually wrong statements ever written at Deadspin.
Yeah. Given Burneko’s style I would have enjoyed a well-written snarky anti-Cubs post, but this was totally phoned in.
Yeah. I’m not saying Benwikere is good or anything, but do they really think they’re better off without him?
People who drive in the left lane on the highway for longer than it takes to pass.
I disagree with the notion that speaking out against police brutality as LeBron James has is uncontroversial. We are seeing quite clearly that to a large segment of society, complaining about an unarmed black man being murdered by police is offensive, and that segment of the population will do everything short of…
Okay, wait a minute...Jon Lester is @JLester34, and Lester Holt is @LesterHoltNBC? This isn’t like people tweeting at the wrong Brandon Marshall.
I feel like it’s actually a plus if the Browns play decent but lose a ton of games on bizarre stuff like this. They get a top draft pick and hopefully finally hit on a QB but they’ve actually got some players to build around.