
Honestly, after considering how much useless (or very temporarily useful) shit people give parents of babies, coupled with the huge cost of raising a kid: I say if you want to give a gift, give money. The parents probably need that but they don’t need another toy or onesie or whatever. Exception: if the parents have

It’s not just you. I tried to be optimistic for a long time and think that outside of a relatively small number of hardcore racists, most of the people who had a problem were just ill-informed about what Black Lives Matter means and about the facts of these murders being committed by cops.

Since when is a bachelor’s degree postgraduate education?

Not to defend these jackasses who run onto the field in any way, but...what exactly is the justification for a security guard to hit a guy who has given himself up and poses zero threat to anyone? Pretty sure I as a private citizen am not allowed to start whaling on someone who’s committed a nonviolent misdemeanor

Fair enough, as soon as that criterion is applied also to all teachers in schools both public and private.

Fair enough. I do agree that certain things like job interview etiquette don’t change substantially.

I feel sorry for your children if you honestly believe that their success is no more important than the success of some random kid in your classroom (who might be a distraction to other kids specifically because his own parent(s) don’t give a shit about his education).

I wish I could star this more times. When I was a kid my mom was very involved in volunteering at my school. At no point could she or any other parent have done anything to influence the teachers/administrators. I would guess that any school where parents can have an impact the leadership is already good enough that

The problem is that almost all of the things you mentioned have changed drastically in even the past 20 years. Teaching them early is a nice thought in theory but in practice most of the specifics will have changed before a kid grows up and uses them.

I can tell you that without question, if I have kids I will be concentrating my resources on them rather than worrying about making a minuscule contribution to society’s kids as a whole. Selfish? By definition, yes, but that's also how pretty much every rational parent has acted throughout recorded history.

True. But up through elementary school, kids aren’t learning any facts/concepts that are beyond the ability of a college graduate to teach. At about junior high age or later, yeah, you’re going to need tutors or some kind of group setting for most if not all subjects. It’s not like third-grade teachers are physicists

They’ll flock to your silver screens because their only alternative is sitting in an airport bar for hours on end

So the NFL is (rightfully) taking a lot of criticism for the damage that a football career does to players and more and more people are questioning if the game can ever be made safe.

In other words, he’s getting paid $2 million less in guaranteed money than Joakim Noah. Jesus, the NBA is crazy and NFL players get a raw deal.

I don’t know why it is, but football players have it by far the worst of the pro athletes. They play the most dangerous game for the least amount of guaranteed money with the most arbitrary and capricious commissioner.

Sure, there are guys - some of them earning millions - who are idiots and blow through their money.

First off, most dogs aren’t eating feces, at least not in the sense that this article makes it sound like. Now, do they carry viruses/bacteria from the exposure they do get and since they’re not exactly washing with soap and water? Sure.

So I’ve seen tons of Facebook posts and comments saying that it’s somehow sad or pathetic that adults are playing Pokemon Go. Even a cynical person like me who has never had any interest in Pokemon thinks that’s a dumb and reductive worldview (and I guarantee every single person talking about how it’s a waste of time

Or - and I know this is a radical suggestion - guys who are paid tens of millions a year to put a ball through a hoop could put some time and effort into being at least a mediocre free throw shooter. Hit them at even a 60-70% clip and most of the motivation to unnecessarily foul you goes away.

The worst food situation is when they rush your food and either make it sloppily or undercook it. There’s a pizza place near me that does this and it drives me crazy. I don’t want my pizza three minutes faster, I want it properly cooked. I tried ordering it well-done once and of course it was overdone that time. And