
Except for people with health problems, if you’re an adult and you’re vomiting often enough to have strong opinions about how to position yourself, you might want to reevaluate things.

I’m pretty agnostic on Pokemon but mostly I am surprised at how many people my age (31) and even older are into it. I never got into Pokemon in the first place and I always thought it came out when I was already past the age where is be interested. Judging by the amount of enthusiasm I’m seeing from other people my

If they haven't even been arrested, and there's no physical evidence you can look to, what qualifies you to say that employee committed a crime?

I don’t think small talk is necessary to treat other people with decency and respect. And in my experience, the more someone who feels compelled to make small talk tells me, the less I respect them.

Seriously? The Finals, particularly game 7, were riveting, and to a lesser extent the OKC-Golden State series. The regular season was boring as hell, as almost every NBA regular season is.

The problem I have with the idea that Durant should be immune from criticism is this. Deadspin has long staked out the position that we have no business criticizing athletes for making as much money as possible, even when we are talking about stratospheric generational wealth. That we can’t blame a guy for holding out

The question about gimmes makes no sense to me. If they’re not putts that you would make at like a 90%+ rate (absolute max two feet), they’re not gimmes to begin with.

Probably not 5, but Fred should be safe at least two more seasons. If he’s fired after two even Jerry Reinsdorf will have to admit that GarPax are terrible at everything's and should be fired.

In this particular case, though, the salary numbers are outrageous even by the standards of professional sports. Damn near $20 million a year for thoroughly mediocre players? Come on now.

How about the corpse of Joakim Noah getting $18M per year from the Knicks?

The truck driver was at fault, but it does not say that the driver could not detect the truck. It says that the autopilot could not detect it and that the driver did not (presumably because he had an inflated sense of security due to the autopilot and was not paying attention).

The idea that anyone who thinks “penis” is swearing (on Twitter, no less) has ever had any power over anyone is incredibly depressing.

Sounds like another judge with a big ego to me.

It's kind of terrifying, isn't it?

After thinking about it, I don’t know what the best solution is. Minor league baseball players are employees, yes, but not every job lends itself to punching a clock and being paid by the hour. I would argue that higher pay might be needed, but not necessarily all of the standards that are applied to, say, a store

All these comments and I am the first person to point out that the headline is factually incorrect? The proposed bill would not make it illegal to pay minor league ball players a “living wage.” It would make/keep it legal not to. There’s a difference.

They were trying to win basketball games. They did that while angling for the move that could land them a superstar. It made sense to everybody, because that’s what professional sports teams are supposed to do.

I don’t know about rubberbanding, but the Madden AI is so, well, maddeningly unrealistic that I’ve basically quit playing. I’ve spent hours tweaking sliders based on what I’ve read on forums and there doesn’t seem to be anything to do to get consistently realistic stats and scores.

Apparently you can reuse a pitcher if he stays in the game. So Wood could enter as an outfielder, pitch to one guy based on the matchup, then go back to the outfield before finally pitching again in the next inning.

DFW is my favorite author, and yet all of the short tennis pieces have always left me cold for some reason. I do like the tennis stuff in Infinite Jest fine, in the context of the rest of the story.