Read the lyrics "Guest blogger"
Read the lyrics "Guest blogger"
Don't bring logic into this conversation.... It doesn't fit with their "Holier than Thou" mentality.
mind your own business bro... WHO CARES???
oh that's right... YOU DO.
Dear chickenshit coward with no name....
Cpt. Kirk,
Have you tried driving in first person? Where the camera is right at the front bumper? too fun...
Have you tried driving while in cinematic camera mode?? it's tricky but fun.
Agreed. GTA IV was a GRInD.
I remember that station from 30 years ago - hahha. #Random
It's usually the comments that have the *spoilers* ( idiots )
Dear shitty parent,
Read the ESRB rating on the back of the box.
The society that has to live with you & your stupid offspring.
wUrdz ArE haRd.
I played it a couple years ago - & I am playing it again now. It is pretty great.
They're Beautiful... they forgot ANNOYING.
I love how ESPN's programming has branched off into - which ath-a-leete
get's to bang the hott girl?
It would be great to see either/both of these chicks gang-banged by an all-star cast of former ath-a-leetes...Because really, that's what ESPN is selling here.
Mistake #1 - playing call of duty.
Mistake #2 - Thinking Microsoft even GIVES A SHIT.
You're missing out. It's a GREAT game. complete it to 100% ( which is EASY ) and get back to us.
That game was one of my greatest happiest gaming experiences ever.
It was so fun - you could be down to 3 guys on your team, unlock a hero and
simply decimate the other side... It was awesome fun.
Multiplayer is THE ultimate "Co-Op"
That's right Jake.
* Booming Voice *
Oh don't kid yourself. Dr. Vogel is evil.
She may be a mother figure - but honestly, the vibe is quite sexual, and she will destroy Dexter in the end. Watch.
It's a long read, but I really enjoyed this forensic exam on the final Sopranos episode. (:
Sopranos explanation of the final episode.