This Black on Black Santa violence has to stop.
This Black on Black Santa violence has to stop.
I appreciate that I am almost a year (to the day) late to the conversation - but I loved Prometheus. I've watched it several times & truly enjoy it & appreciate it.
I really wonder if those that dislike the movie so intensely actually get what Ridley Scott was trying to do - any way - Agreed.
Ditch the car buddy. Just because you write about cars
doesn't mean you need one. Esp. here in Manhattan.
ps. Welcome to the greatest city in the world. (:
That's so cool...
A gamer left his house. :p
fucking heartbreaking - Dr. Dre should pick up the funeral expenses & establish a scholarship in this young man's name - but then again, i'm poor & think what i would do if i made fat stacks of cash from overpriced cans.……
REALLY well said sir.
"Getting a bj from a guy doechshn't make you gay...GIVInG A BJ to a guy juschst might..."
- Lou Holtschz
nice try lady - but all he puts out there is that he is a disgusting gluttonous piece of shit that embodies the WORST of America and humans in general.
I don't normally point out peoples physical features - but this guy's morbid obesity says ALOT about him...Without him even realizing it.
100% Bro -
Hey, I was a 35 yr. old GROWn ASS MAn & it freaked me out!! lol.
Thank you bro.
I purchased RE4 for GC back in the day. I had an LCD projector (S-video hookup) and surround sound set up - it was GREAT for gaming - so... I checked out RE4. I would get to the village & kept dying.... like honestly - chainsaw guy would ALWAYS find me and kill me. I was so geeked out I couldn't…
yeah you.
It's "Gas Grass or Ass...nobody rides for free. "
I have to agree with you Luke -Some of my alltime favorite gaming moments have been with RDR - I think around my 3rd playthrough...I also found myself listening to all of Johny Cash's American Recordings Vol. I-IV as I roamed the country side - His voice with that video game is a perfect match for me...As an old…
Im sorry you feel this way. As a 45 yr. old 'Original Gamer' - plus being a Western movie genre fan - This is one of my all-time favorite games - outside the story line - I loved roaming the country side...
It's like a 30 hr. combination of the good bad the ugly - outlaw josie wales - etc... I wish Robert Ebert…
Jealous of Black men are we?
oh god -
Fuck Bill Simmons... So what if he has an encyclopedic understanding of base-ket-ball. I watch for Magic & his actual insight into the game. Bill Simmons is a rain man retard that sounds like kip dynamite - I fucking HATE the way he sounds/talks - ugh - what the hell - Mike Wilbon & Magic are the glue of that…
I enjoyed the '50 shades of grey' auditions too.
Boo-fuckin' hoo.
It's hard to feel bad for EA - as they & the ncaa BOTH exploit these student/ the tune of BILLIOnS annually...& the ath-a-letes see no money...
Besides - besides minor differences - how is Madden & the college version different??
People lose their jobs every day - so it's sad - but still -…
apparently he referred to her as "This Person" the outrage huh??