
He and his parents should have to pay for the entire installation to be replaced - and issue an apology. What scum are among us.

This is not telling women to “shut up,” it’s telling them to think about what they say, as probably everyone should.

Maybe she can roll you off the couch and have you join her.

I am literally here for this comment section.

Luanne Platter (KotH)

Required reading:

I think I’ve figured out the code: If you give a guy a boner, you’re “curvy.” If you don’t, you’re “fat.”

Also, this.

👍🏻 👍🏻 His post feels like it’s entering fetish territory to me. :/

I’ve gotten creative. I don’t like leftovers, but really- I don’t like reheated proteins.

I still think it’s a stupid move financially. If you live in a city big enough to where there aren’t many big grocery stores, surely that means you get enough choice in take out/restaurants that there are healthy options? I mean I get that sometimes you just want a home cooked meal but if you care about food enough to

You are definitely right about that! I cook almost all my food from scratch because it’s cheaper, healthier, and I love cooking. But I know a lot of people don’t have the time or experience to cook the way I do.

Uh, leftovers. When I was single I made meals for 4, then I only had to cook a couple times a week.

I used to use Blue Apron and I really loved them, but I had a roommate at the time and we were both single so we both had time to be home and cook. When he got a girlfriend, I lost my cooking buddy. Then I moved in by myself and would have loved to continue if they had meal plans for single people, but all of them are

That’s exactly what we do but shop at Giant. It’s something everyone used to do. I don’t know why the wheel needed reinventing.

If I can’t handle the veggies myself for this week’s menu, I’m not really interested

I’ve been *heavily* marketed to by Blue Apron, but their service is not for me. Even if it were, the amount of packaging that gets used is gross. On the other hand, they had a good product idea and they seemed to be going gangbusters—to the extent Amazon is hurting them, it’s worrisome. Any given business shouldn’t

Good sex trumps Trump, in the sense that if I am flirting with a gal at the bar and she and I are hitting it off, and she reveals that Tomi Lahren is her source of news.... Well, I am not going to stop trying to sleep with this woman because I find her political views repulsive.

“I think these things have to be proven. This is a very strange and unbeknownst allegation to us and there would be no way I could comment on it. It’s irrelevant. We don’t know who you’re talking about. This is just an allegation.”

So this is the scariest possible future right? Just think about it.