
And I am, I am grateful. I thought that telling “you” I am was enough.

I believe I hugs and charity. I can’t do much as a poor immigrant/orphan, but goddamn it, I won't be bitter. So let's all take our blessings and do better. Please. Xoxo

Reminds me of home. If you're bear chicago I'll buy you a great Irish coffee, or make you pierogis if you need a night of snow and love. Happy winter.

That was the whole schtick with my adoptive parents. Two barren people find each other and want to feel good about themselves...adopt three kids from Eastern Europe in the 80s where you got cheap white babies from, paid cash ( literally, and a story for another day ) and then expect is to kowtow and beg for

Happy to provide birth certificate and court records for the doubters.

I promise you won't. Just teach him to never as well.

I'm so sorry. My parents had a savior complex and they wanted to feel like heroes for making the choice they did. I just wanted a home. I hope your father and you are close! Xoxo

I live in Chicago and always need a hug. Thank you .

You are an angel. Thank you for all you have done for people like me. We need more of you. Send yourself, any parents you have and your children my love. We are family in many ways. Thank you .

Two barren bitter humans who only did good to look good. So yes. :(

Yes please !!!!

“I don’t know what you would have done if we hadn’t adopted you- you wouldn’t make a very good prostitute”. (Adopted as a child from a communist country. It was a true statment, but vulgar coming from a parent. Emancipated shortly there after).

I need to find an expert ASAP. This frigid cold sex thing is breaking news and the PEOPLE WANT ANSWERS!

But it’s like a panty-onesie snowsuit. It’s also aggressivly pulling at her crotch and it makes me uncomfortable from here. :(

I guess Kendall Jenner is like a thing, now.And she’s the only Kardashian who works for a living...but is she actaully good at wat she does or does her family just buy her shows?


It was taking me a while to understadn why all of a sudden people were calling the cops on lone children when we used to do it all the time- except there were always women home in the neighborhood. Or you know that Boomers are meddlers and we as a younger generation aren’t allowed to win.

SO true. No one lists their sexual exploits in the obituary.

I think you have the right idea, until you make yourself loveable it won’t matter. Keep trying. Your attitude means more than you could ever know.