Stephen Bishop

Never trust anyone at face value, its the safe/smart way to live. But don’t assume everyone is lying either. Its a simply matter if not being a moron, of you get scammed you kind if deserve it from the natural selection stand point.

Never give money to begfers period, give it to reputable charity’s. As for the falling for a fortune teller (why the fuck you had to bring race into idk, Nazi maybe? Kill yourself maybe?) that’s a matter of opinion. If you’re going to pay someone to tell you a story usually about thr future logic means very little. As

You are kind of a piece of shit aren’t you? “Look out for gypsys” if I heard you say that in qrsin I’d just have to knock you out. Go march with the other goosesteppers shitbag.

“we’ve all fallen victim to the occasional scam as tourists.” FALSE! I’ve never once been duped into over paying and I can’t fathom how anyone could. I can also say most of my friends have never had that happen. Are you going to some lawless land where the police are corrupt? Because if not and someone *trys* to

Or it's finally getting the attention it deserves.

Reported for racism “bruh”.

Then the police will get very involved and not in the way you'd want.

If you going to call yourself Christian obey the savior, love the sinner and lever the judgement to the highest authority.

Preach it brother/sister!

As someone who has worked with a few of both. Only ever use the light bulbs ***IF*** you can’t install the switch due to old wiring. The amount of ewaste throwing away bulb screates should be a sin. Don’t forget rate earth minerals like silicon are wasted on those bulbs. So if you need a dimmable bulb in the bedroom

As someone who has worked with a few of both. Only ever use the light bulbs ***IF*** you can’t install the switch

No you are considered a fucking cunt. Dogs lives are far more important than humans. We made them, if we abuse them then we owe them as a society to help them get better. You should be put of a registry to disallow pet owning.

Lol, ethical zoo. That's like saying ethical slavery. Sanctuary's are fine but zoos are just prisons.

Im sorry but those eggs look down right repulsive. I’d have to send them back to the kitchen and tell the cook to FINISH cooking the eggs this time. Who wants to eat a pile of mucous?

Called my senator, emailed them for a action plan. Let's see if Mr McConnell can get it right.

Iraq, Vietnam, and countless other wastes of resources distract our nation from the fights we should get involved in. When a military tuns against those its supposed to protect (the people of that land, not the government) all nations that claim to respect freedom should get aggressively involved. Personally I say

Step 1, best rice in the oven to 150-200 F for 15 minutes. Place the dried rice in bag, put phone in bag and place phone in oven at 115F let sit for 2-4 hours. It first make a meaningful evaporation difference, it would prevent damage from turning or on but not save or if already damaged.

That's just a general rule, there are no clear guidelines for fair use.

Bad csptalism creates socialists and bad socialism creates capitalists. Clearly my former party has failed this nation equally if not more then their primary political opposition. My guess is, way more independent or gtfo.

Are you suggesting MY Congressman is a turtle? That's insulting to turtles, he's a turdle. As in turd, not a turtle.

Lol, I love modern firefighters but back in the day they would start tbr fires just so they could loot. Maybe for Mitch they should do it like the “good old days”. I know I certainly wouldn't convict them for any wrong doing. P.S. I'm a Kentucky citizen and would love if Mitch just fell over and died this is just the