Well, they got the top part with the Arabs. Just below that the sandy part that has nothing. In the middle is the really jungly part with the really, really black people. And at the bottom is the part that was kinda civilized until recently.
Well, they got the top part with the Arabs. Just below that the sandy part that has nothing. In the middle is the really jungly part with the really, really black people. And at the bottom is the part that was kinda civilized until recently.
And this is definitely going to be Delta's tweet for tomorrows match
Ah yes. Because clearly a state within a country is just the same as a whole country, and USA and the whole continent of Africa are also totes the same thing.
When Arkansas stops being racist as fuck, let me know. There's difference between not knowing local flora/fauna of any area of the globe and assuming all of black Africa is the same/unimportant/reduced to a couple stereotypes that reflect Western imagination and contribute to colonialism.
almost engaged and then i saw this previous comment from you: Its hilarious when you know that half the tribes would have never done anything close to as helpful for their enemies as to what the United States has done for Natives Americans.
He's recruiting the type of writer that's been passed over, a bona fide source of cheap, good, untapped talent, and you seem upset at that, claiming he doesn't want competition?
Jason whitlock is HATED by every black person I know that is aware of who he is. He (like Don Lemon) has made a name for himself by being "the black guy on TV who tells white people their prejudices are valid".
I always thought his mind was something more like this:
The US is actually extremely cost inefficient. It costs us literally twice as much per capita for health care. http://www.bloomberg.com/visual-data/be…
I found NZ's national medical system to be very efficient. The longest waits were for knee surgeries (various small repairs) — those were about 6 weeks, during which you were given physical therapy, acupuncture and osteopathy to manage pain, and some people discovered that after all of that, they didn't need surgery…
Not that long, but the Republicans (and idiots like you) think that we have to wait years to be seen.
"non-lothario guinea pig who refuses to leave cage watches from afar, then logs onto chat room to complain about how female guinea pigs only like assholes"
How the world sees Rodney:
Only an idiot would think that giving birth in a hospital; with ready access to medicines, sterile environments, instruments, equipment, doctors and surgeons was somehow equivalent to home birth.
The thing is, placebos do work, in a fashion. If you can afford it, and it makes you feel better, I don't see a harm in continuing to do Reiki despite the lack of scientific backup. Reiki isn't going to hurt you, esp. if you continue to make other healthy choices.
As a guy who was already fairly aware that these things take place, it still felt like being hit by a tsunami reading all these tweets yesterday and this morning. Guys trying to argue that "Not all men!" do these things need to shut the fuck up and realize that enough of us do that EVERY SINGLE WOMAN has a story. Just…
"Seriously, guy, the person you should have been mad at was your dad for choosing your mom. ", This comment is really offensive you seem like you are blaming his father for marrying an Asian women, his Parents are innocent in this and if you read his manifesto he did want to kill them.
Keep in mind this is the same type of logic that allows people to excuse certain things. "If the star quarterback for the university had a thing for dropping roofies in girls' drinks at frat parties, would that make his stellar record and the team's winning streak any less important?"
Do people still call you Jimmy Vibram, or do you go by Walter Toeshoes now?