Places like noma and el bulli are examples of the best fine dining has to offer — why wouldn't the media highlight these places? (not that I've been to either)
Places like noma and el bulli are examples of the best fine dining has to offer — why wouldn't the media highlight these places? (not that I've been to either)
...does it internally register to you that, in posting that, you've both posited yourself as an irredeemable piece of shit and you've managed to contribute nothing to the discourse?
The Wiki for Action Park is a fucking hilarious read.
I'm going to politely ask that people don't use homophobic language while discussing Edson. Call him an idiot/moron/whatever, but please don't say Yahoo-level stuff.
I have lived in Dubai for four years and I can tell you that this kind of slave labor, and let it be called nothing less than that, is all too real. While Dubai does not have the same number of fatalities as Qatar when it comes to this kind of human torture, the details
I fail to understand how someone else's desire to feel a modicum of comfort and control over a situation, where there is little, is such a bad thing. You say that the only thing that it does is make the prayer feel better, but why is that not enough of a reason?
No, I understand you just fine. You are denying that there is a systematic problem with racism in feminism, and that is complete bullshit. Let me just say that again: The idea that there isn't still a huge and systematic problem with race within the feminist movement is complete and utter bullshit.
Me too! Also about the current state of feminism, which continues to have giant race problems. Your inability to see that suggests your familiarity with feminism is, at the very least, incomplete and incredibly biased.
Jesus god. Let me guess, you're white.
Remember the 2 gms for 20 thing he did? Mine would've been somewhat anticlimactic.
Of course it's not Radiohead. She's not trying to be and I give her credit for that. The point of a good cover isn't to remake the song note for note. The point is to make it your own and she's done that. Like Prince did with Creep: put his own spin on it.
In many cultures, mine included baby girls regularly get their ears pierced. The pediatrician that delivered me, pierced my ears before I went home. YOU might think its unnecessary and it might not be a part of YOUR culture so don't pierce YOUR babies ears but mind your own and keep your judgments to yourself.
What there's no excuse for is someone who doesn't realize that "intact" is one word having the nerve to judge other based on their appearance.
Hang on a sec, being an executive at Citigroup and Bank of America is somehow considered an asset now? Aren't these the same thieves that drove the world economy over a cliff in 2008?
Well, I say fuck that kind of agism; we should be able to wear whatever we please if it makes us happy.