
That would be a great simile if my breasts produced mache. Alas, they produce a really very sweet milk. Do I trust it more than I do an industrially-produced sweet milk? Yes. But they're also not night and day.

Thanks for this. The assumption is always that mom's time is worth nothing...

Frankly, I have a problem with the assumption that women have to have a societally-acceptable "excuse" for not nursing. You see it on here all the time, when women talk about all the reasons they couldn't breastfeed, but the assumption is that every woman would if she could. Fewer are the women who are comfortable

She posted this as a reply to one of my comments too. Aren't you delighted to know that besides going through what you went through, you are personally responsible for the deaths of little babies everywhere? Perhaps you, as a mother, did not already have enough things to feel guilty about?

Thanks for posting the same thing twice, because here it at least got the attention of more commenters. And I'm happy to have had it noted by more people how incredibly insensitive and illogical your opinion is.

No, the poster you're replying to is not trying to help. She (I assume, she) posted something similar in reply to one of my comments, and it's just an even more outrageous way of making mothers feel guilty about something they can't control. It's the very definition of being an utter asshole. She really is accusing

Actually, there's plenty of research that shows that breastmilk is very slightly better than formula or just the same, when you control for the parents' class, wealth, etc. There isn't that much comprehensive research showing that it's "much better."

Wow, you've either just come up with or repeated the most glorious attempt at guilting mothers yet. Ladies, it's not just your own kid you're screwing up for life now if you don't breastfeed until it's in grade school! You are personally responsible for the killer diarrhea of the third world. Too bad if you have your

Thanks for reading my comment and responding to what it actually said. Oh wait, it seems in fact that you just assumed all sorts of things about me based on — what? Based on the fact that I referred to the fact that most food in the US is grown and picked with unjustly cheap labour? Based on the fact that I wish truly

I would love a cookbook for food that isn't flavoured with cruelty against humans.

When my best friend has $800 towels and starts smarming her way through the world, I will read her to shreds.

It's not as much of a gatekeeping scenario as it seems to be in the arts, but if you think women working in science don't have teachers and bosses who put the moves on them, sexually harass them, etc. etc., you are naive. Signed, the daughter of a female engineer who went through that shit.

Wow, does your mom also say things like "bless her heart"? I guess I do have a narrow view of fashion — I think it's ideal when people wear clothes that make them look good. Thanks for the double insult though.

See, weirdly, I thought everyone looked awful, except for JLo, who I thought could get away with whatever tight, skanky thing she wants to wear.

Well, who buys the gossip trash mags?

Word, word, word. I was lighter after giving birth than I had been when I got pregnant. Never got those hunger pangs during pregnancy. I couldn't remember when I had looked so thin. (Not necessarily in a good way, mind you, but a perverse part of me liked it.)

Maybe they expect Scotland to throw off the yoke? Go, Scotland!

Yes, yes, and yes.

I left Toronto ten years ago. The Star wasn't much back then, but I did read it daily since my family had a subscription. Every time I've gone back to visit I've been amazed at the ridiculously low reading level of that waste of newsprint. No paragraph longer than a sentence, no sentence longer than six words, no word

Can I ask if you're a dude or a dudette? Because here's the thing: I'm a woman, but I grew up in an East European family that was old school in a few ways. As in, my parents really commented on it at home when they observed marriages where the women replaced hubby with child. Like, imagine sons sleeping in the