
Dude, exactly! That's the thing... the baby will take as much attention as you give. The baby will take everything you have to give, and then cry for more. I think I've made every mistake in the book in the past 11 months (well, except for having him sleep with us and then not knowing how to get him to sleep on his

Same here. Not to mention that if you're the only thing in your parents' life, it's a lot of pressure to make them happy.

I am married and have a child. We decided to have a baby because we love each other very much, because we have a ton of fun together and we wanted to share that fun and joy with another human being. It would honestly break my heart if the baby were to ruin that. The first priority since having the baby has been

Word. I mean, really. Somebody is going to get on their judgey horse about Rancic not being a good enough parent because she, oh, parents? What the hell.

When I had my son, no switch turned on for me. I think for most of his young life, if you'd made me choose between him and my husband, I would have picked my husband. (And I'm not sure what the answer is to that right now.) It made sense to me too — I've known my husband for eight years now, he's an important part of

I also thought this post was annoying. It promotes an ideology of motherhood I really hate — you can't really mean that your baby is not everything to you, 100% of the time, or else you would be a horrible person. I wish more people said openly what the Rancics are, because it's certainly a lot healthier than making

I agree. What's missing here is the gender aspect. At least to me (an academic), high heels are worn by women who work in very specific, fashion-conscious fields, by 19-year olds wearing nearly nothing and freezing outside a club, hoping to get in, and by socialites and women who "belong" to someone who has a lot of

In case anyone is wondering how to do this right, google "Jessica Alba pregnant." Chick wore some fierce and adorable long hippie dresses... when I was pregnant, I actually followed a celebrity's fashion cues for the first time in my life and got myself some (I'm sure much cheaper) bright floor-length dresses, and

Oh man. That sounds like all kinds of awful too. My little boy had also gone down the birth canal a bit, and my doc had to cut an extension to get him out.

Oops, my bad, I just realised those two are basically the same thing.

Yeah, it was highly unusual, and shouldn't really have happened. Doctors usually put a stop to things 24 hours in. But the first time I went to the hospital my contractions, which had been really close together, slowed down, and I was deemed not to be in labour. And my second trip, two days later, lasted 36 hours

Fair enough! On all points. I don't think I was wrong to do everything in my power to avoid a cs — there really are very good reasons not to want one. Talk to your doctor about your wishes, get the support and training you need to try for a vaginal... but recognize that if it comes to it, it's not the end of the

I realised in one of my dance classes recently that I no longer feel a tug when I stretch. Yay!

Thanks so much for this. I do wonder very much what it might be like to have another kid. I also had a really hard time connecting with my son, and was just incredibly shot from extended labour and the fact that the nurses wouldn't let me freakin' sleep for more than an hour at a time after I gave birth. It was such

Oh, ok, I tend to think of the vulva as being below the mons.... yeah, same here, my incision is under the bikini line. My doc made a really nice cut, actually.

When will we have beaming technology for it? That would be amazing. Beam the baby out of my womb, and replicate me a cheeseburger, on the double.

I misread your comment as "I do not want either" and thought, "true that, no way that bab's coming out is going to be fun"

Totally gets smaller. 11 months later, and I can't believe they took out an almost 9 lb boy through that tiny slit. I mean, it's still considerable, but looks way too small for a baby.

Wait, what? How? I do not understand. Is this a special kind of cs?