
I hear they're waaay slower the second time around. The first time, they just slice through the different layers, but the second time, if it's not an emergency, they try to slice through the same places, but that means with each layer of skin, muscle, etc., they have to search for the previous incisions.... not

Yeah, and considering how many women these days wind up with a cs, whether they planned on it or not, you'd think they'd let you know what to expect. Once we moved into the c-section procedure, I had no idea what happens to you. I was so freakin' scared. (Also, my OP room looked like a public toilet, not like a nice

Yeah, me too! I have this weird imagined mental image of my innards all lying on a table or something...

I was a big fan of that tv show, the Operation. I loved the brain surgery one.

I really, really didn't want one. There are higher risks of complications in subsequent pregnancies. And it sucks having your abdominal muscles cut, it really does. But after four days of labour and two hours of pushing, and the realisation that had I lived pre-Cs I probably would have been dead, that operation was a

I wish I had pictures or video of it, because it was so hard to connect the baby who came out with the fetus inside of me. Took me the better part of a year in fact.

Omigod. Thank you for this. I was afraid I would get all PTSD (and to be fair, I haven't watched all of it), but I find it totally healing. I saw so many damn videos of women birthing vaginally during the hospital course and the lamaze course and my doula's stuff, and I cried so many tears at the miracle of

As a proud person of East European heritage, I say, no animal prints, be they ever so tacky, are ever off limits.

Omigod, you also wore retro polyester shirts in the 90's? I think I was in high school when you were in middle school, but I regularly hit up the vintage stores for bright, geometric 70's shirts, and actually wore them. My style right now is pretty boring, but looking back, I was probably a moderately funky teenager!

I read this comment:

Maybe if you tried talking to them like real human beings you might get a nice reaction back. I've had lovely and miserable encounters with post office employees of various races...

I'm living in Germany these days, and part of the postal system (the package delivery) is privatised. It's a hot mess. The guys contracted to do the deliveries are paid shit, they don't actually deliver the packages and often don't even leave a note for you to pick it up at the post office, and the packages just get

I totally missed that. Where were the ableist jokes? All I saw were bitterly ironic, violently-themed advertisements.

You sound like me! All you really need are a few diapers, a couple of onesies, and a place to sleep. That place can be a drawer.

It was an off and on topic for years. We started dating in our mid-twenties, were long distance, and eventually lived together for a year too. Even in that year, nothing was decided in terms of marriage, but we had also been together for years and we were serious about each other. We just weren't ready yet. It was

You have a legitimate reason to be concerned about vaccines. Most parents don't, and they put you and your kid in danger.

Why should anyone be supportive of stupid women who put the lives of children in danger because an idiot c-list star told them vaccines cause autism? Or because someone posted a Facebook status update that warned people about the "dangers" of vaccines without any basis in fact whatsoever? This is not a difficult issue

Anyway, point is, I think 10 G is the high end for having your own kid for four years, and way to the low end for adopting. Your cheapo adoption is going to be much more expensive than your cheapo homemade baby.

Hmmm.... I'd see health care and health insurance costs. But food? A lot of families nurse, then puree homemade food. (I'm a buyer, but that's because I'm lazy.) Hand me down clothes cut a lot of the costs, it's pretty much unnecessary to buy toys because people will give them to you (and my kid seems to find garbage