This summer... From visionary director Guillermo Del Toro...
This summer... From visionary director Guillermo Del Toro...
Those monsters aren't in this movie. Man, the amount of people asking this is too damn high! Do some google research people!
Was that Mothra, or was it Rodan? It looked more like Rodan to me, who was incidentally my all time favorite of the old Toho movie monsters.
Seriously, matter how much you want it and how many times you say it out loud, it doesn't mean Mothra is going to show up in this movie. Not a single frame in ANY of the trailers that have come out show anything that looks remotely like Mothra.
interesting question... but i would say that EVERY movie goes under this category for me these days.
When I REALLY dig a movie now, I make a point not to watch it again for as long as I can because I don't want it to become a rote thing like so many movies when I was a kid. I want to be... if not surprised, refreshed while watching flicks I dug. "I forgot how good this was!" etc.
I still think it should have ended simply on a slow zoom out of a news broadcast on a screen in the batcave, to the silhouette of Batman, who gets up, and starts to turn, send his cape up in a swirl to cut to black.
So... they're first gen Transformer recolors? That's disappointing. I was hoping for some Evas that shift into... I don't know, maybe Angels?
I think his hair indicates he's mentally done with the show and already on vacation. A few more episodes in he'll have an shaggy beard and walk around in boxers drinking Bud Light, constantly checking his watch.
There are non-panel Japanese television shows? When I lived there it seemed like even the news had a celebrity's head reacting in one corner.
A...vortex ring?
I actually... really liked Dawn. She was charming and sympathetic. Yeah, she could be a twit sometimes, but the show was pretty self-aware about it... and she had plenty of badass moments.
Every god damned last one of these fucking hacks.
Or: "Which fan bases can't let stuff go?"
Disagree with most of this list.
Just think how much more she'd make if she had a cool finishing move!
I bought the Avatar and wasn't impressed. Such a lush movie deserved better.
I completely agree with you. The Avatar artbook was a letdown...I was expecting more concept art and previous designs for all the creatures and the na'vi themselves, but it was a rather short book, and rushed as well (a page has an upside down picture of a Leonopteryx). I'm still kind of baffled they didn't…
I think we all know his vital stats.
Red Riding Hood, with its cannibalism and walking on pins and/or needles. I am not a folklore scholar, so back then I was unable to track the exact version that authors of Jin-Roh wrote into the movie. Don't get me wrong, the part about the Red Riding Hood abandoned by her mother and forced to beat herself against…