
I wondered that, too. That thing a while back where ADV was trying to sue Gainax over the hassle surrounding the live action movie rights said that a high profile director had expressed interest - after the announcement of Pacific Rim I had to wonder if that director was del Toro and that he'd decided he'd just

For those interested, here's a look at the DvA preview comic given away on FCBD. It's crazy but I love it. []

I know, I wish I was able to pick it up. But it's cool, I'll just wait until the complete GN is available and then buy the hell out of it. It's a goofy concept, I know this, but then I be true to myself and admit that it's pretty much custom built for me. I really hope they do manage to make the movie version, too.

You seem like the kind of person who can appreciate dinosaurs in ceremonial regalia.

I saw a bunch of pictures comparing a standing Quetzalcoatlus to various things (such as a car) a couple of years back, and even though I had known of the animal and its size since I was a kid I was still shocked to actually see how it towered over whatever it was compared to. It's depicted with a larger head nowadays

South Park has forever enriched every appearance of Monowheel type transport for my brother and I. We gasped and turned to each other during the MIB3 trailer; "Flexigrips" I said in Mr. Garrison's voice. "Well, I guess you could..." my brother replied. I'm still laughing at the picture EstimatedProphet posted up above.