
So are we saying Catherine Zeta Jones' vagina ISN'T a cancer causing menace, laying waste to everything that touches it?

Hey Barry,

Christina Hendricks looks like Social Services from Moonrise Kingdom.

The older I get the more I realize that people who judge others for reading YA, sci fi, mystery or any other genre fiction think they sound intellectually superior, but much of the time they're pretty clueless. Sure, all of those genres have some epic crap in them but there's plenty of utter garbage that gets

I know, I'm not really sure why we're supposed to hate this idea? I mean, I hate Fox News and its blathering drones, and maybe this wasn't conducted in the most effective way possible, but I don't see why we have to make fun of the general message trying to be made?

So you're just going to let the guys be the way they are and blame women? If enough people like you let these guys off the hook soon there will be NO other kind of guy to date.

Can't stand Fox "news" or her, but I'm not gonna rag on this. I don't see how it hurt anyone (it was actually kinda commendable) and there a bajillion other things that are more worthy of my disdain. Move on, people.

I'm not a Gretchen Carlson fan, but I should look so good without make up. Jeeez.

I tend to 'give the benefit of doubt.' Plenty of decent people will throw the first stone at the victim of a crime "why were you walking through that neighborhood in the dark? when will you learn?" That kind of response is a reflex and one not reserved for a-holes. so. anyways.

I approve of women taking off their make-up, whoever it is. It can actually be quite shocking to see these TV women with no make-up. TV make-up is WAY overdone and lights are harsh. Props ladies. Should become a regular thing.

In my 15+ years of working with kids I only had 1 time where there was suspicion of abuse, and I wanted to cave the guys skull in. Thanks for sticking with it as long as you could.

Thank you for your service. I didn't go into that branch for a reason. I couldn't handle it. People don't realize that pictures of this kid's little corpse are evidence.

Because you, of course, know every single detail of every person you date.

I know people grieve differently but oddly it seems almost all football players and coaches seem to grieve in the exact same way.

That is a god-awful number of children. What is KLG? Was this a heavily populated county? What do you wish the CPS or the courts had the right to do?

When will guys stop being like this?

The comments are depressing.

Its interesting where we as humans draw our line. Last week in Mexico 80 people die (several of which were children) and this place was joke-apalooza.
This story is (thankfully) treated with more respect.

How many times are you gonna hit refresh today to see how many people take the bait?

I, as a very adult adult, bought Hunger Games. I read the whole thing in about 3 hours. Great story/idea, but awful writing. Like, the most awful book I have ever read. I feel like it is written at about a fourth grade level?