The stretcher, on the other hand, isn't expected to survive.
The stretcher, on the other hand, isn't expected to survive.
I love positive stories about pit bulls! Even though some people have them for the wrong reasons, the one I got from the shelter (when I was going in for a different dog.....IT JUST LOOKED SO SAD OKAY I had to take both of them) is the sweetest, most intelligent dog we have.
Dont worry my friend soon the two hot ones will be in there "mid 40s" aka useless to the family and theyll focus on the two 17 year olds and that will tear the family apart
I mean, it's like who else could've leaked it but one of the Kardashians? Who was in the intervention? I watched that show once in awhile and always thought he was really good to that entire family and in a sincere way. He seemed like he tried to be a friend to the loser brother with horrible tattoos. It's way more…
My favorite part is they had an intervention because he cheated on her. Drugs? Who cares about drugs? You cheated on a kardashian so this is when it becomes a serious problem
"Don't piss off the Kardashians." Just when I thought the Kardashians couldn't get slimier, they go ahead and totally redeem themselves by leaking medical/health information on their husband/son-in-law/bro-in-law to TMZ. If he cheated on whatsherface, so what? Cheat back.
If he bailed on rehab, big deal. You don't…
Frankly, neither the nudity nor the breastfeeding bother me. It's the insufferable pretension.
If she wants to post the picture on Instagram, then she has to abide by how Instagram choose to define "Rules of Modesty and Etiquette". She doesn't get to define the terms how she wants.
If she wants to post whatever she wants, she should get her own site and server. But I'm guessing that someone who's a…
Eh. This isn't just about breastfeeding though. She's naked in the picture. (except for socks?) I don't care about breastfeeding pics, but nudity is generally a no-no on social media sites. Combine the two? You're BEGGING for trouble.
I normally don't condone the use of illicit drugs or the abuse of prescription meds.
On the other hand, this: "Odom, who is married (for now) to a Kardashian..."
The sad part is that even if they do get a divorce, it'll still be the longest any Kardashian has been married to an NBA player.
It is good to know that not only are you bad at watching television, you are also bad at reading Shakespeare.
I bait people in Jezebel comments who are way out of their depth for excitement.
The only thing "clear" is that you talk a lot out of your ass. I highly doubt the things you spit out about yourself are even true. You're trying so hard to come off as if you know so much and it just fails miserably. I'd say just stop but I'm sure you wont and frankly I do love to read someone make an ass of…
Your arguments are "think about what you've watched" and "you need to review the show".
This person had an "argument" with me and claimed that all women who work as strippers are actually sociopaths, and that this was a medical fact because they worked in psych and knew, somehow. This person is a troll, and I would bet money they do not in fact work in any sort of psychological field.
Obviously misogyny's a big chunk of it, but there's also the fact that people with the attention spans of small children resent the show putting any focus on how Walt's business affects his personal relationships, despite that being one of the main themes of the show. They'd rather it just be "badass" set pieces like…
As an addict, I had a hard time facing myself or my family and telling them I had a problem. He must really need help and support if he is announcing something like that in public. No one deserves to feel helpless against an addiction, I am going on 10 months completely sober, and that first week is the hardest.