"Anytime I've ever heard [bababooey], it's after the club has made contact with the ball."
"Anytime I've ever heard [bababooey], it's after the club has made contact with the ball."
And now I have a new favorite golfer.
Neat fact: while Ian's war is only one day old, it's already 781% more effective than the War on Drugs.
But the guy in the green shirt holding up his hands perfectly matches the description of a 230 pound black man! I'm at a loss
Levi's Landing is also a pet name for Bristol Palin's vagina.
Hmm. Yeah. Wish I had written something like that.
Yes, you're right: the best way to make a margarita is to make some whole other drink. Shut up.
Want a kickass SPICY margarita?! Ok. Soak some chopped up chili peppers and jalapenos in a fifth of vodka for about 24 hours. Strain out the peppers and seeds. You now have spicy vodka.
Great explanation, but you forgot to add that it needs to be poured into a plastic sippy cup for the bus ride downtown.
I think it has more to do with Gawker's incestuous article gangbang system where they crosspost some fuckpile from Defamer on one of the blogs for literate adults.
I'd guess it's folks coming straight from Gawker.
Only a +1 for how many fell for it.
I could just as easily make the same plea to you.
I guess they've never heard of the First Amendment. Unbelievable.
I will listen to it; I used to dislike him, however SC and all the radio and TV shows talk about the same issues in the same context. Colin is at least interesting and offers different perspectives. But I completely get people hating him.
You're being trolled, dear.
Yeah, but now Colin is fapping furiously at his desk because you mentioned his name in this rant.
His schtick is either to dupe you into thinking he's edgy or, if you're not a mouth-breathing idiot, to make you so mad that you listen to him just to get mad at him.
In other news, a train derailed outside Bristol, CT today, spilling a large amount of gravy that was being delivered to the city.